


N. Subbulakshmi, R. Manimegalai



Designing an electronic circuit with low power and small area are two important concerns for signal processing designers. Though fast emergence of the new technologies and several reviews over signal and speech processing, the difficulty cannot be fulfilled for the hearing impaired people. Many filter bank algorithms have been discussed on the hearing aid design to extend the efficiency. The conventional design of cascaded Direct Truncation (DT) data path is mainly based on the design of Full Precision Static Floating Point. In this paper, we introduce Static Floating Point Sample Rate Converter (SFP-SRC) with Linear Phase Finite Impulse Response (LPFIR) for hearing aid applications. The Sampling Rate Conversion is done before or after the LPFIR filter with upsampling and downsampling factors. In order to increase efficiency of DSP systems, filter bank algorithms need more than one sampling rate. The proposed method provides minimum delay and excellent Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) performance when compared to Post Truncation (PT) data path. In order to obtain better performance, many experiments have been conducted. The proposed SFP-SRC is suitable for hearing assistance applications. Hence, it is implemented on 1/3 octave analysis filter bank with umc-90nm CMOS technology at 24 KHz.


Finite Impulse Response,Filter bank algorithms,Digital hearing aid,DSP algorithms,


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Navneesh Tyagi, D. Baby Moses, Shashikant Rai, Ram Mohan Mishra



Getting the culture right, is challenging – but is well worth for the rewards of success. Every Institution is characterized byits ownculture, which is different from others. Identification of organizational culture in an institution may help in determining if mission, goals, and strategic objectives were being met. This study investigated academic staff members’ perceptions of organizational culture inselected institutions of higher learning. Faculty’s views about different dimensions of organizational culture were examined. A total of 100 academic staff members from privateinstitutions of higher learning have completed the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument. Analysis of data was done by using descriptive statistics explicitly to determine the kind of existing organizational culture in private institutions. Results of this study revealed that private institutions mainly have market culture.


Organizational culture,Private institution,Academic staff members,


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Tariq M. Hammza, Salman H. Omran, Nassear R. Hmoad



In this paper, the effect of dynamic coefficients of different bearings types on the dynamic response and the frequency of maximum response of rotor bearing system have been studied. The ANSYS Mechanical APDL 18.0 was used to model rotor with different bearings types. MATLAB software has been used to achieve the analytical solution. The results showed that the using of ball bearing, roller bearing or self aligning bearing with fluid film journal bearing strongly increasing the dynamic response amplitude and slightly increasing frequency of maximum response compared with the using of journal bearing to support rotor while using ball bearing with roller bearing have insignificant effect on the dynamic response and frequency of maximum response also using of self aligning bearing with ball bearing or roller bearing strongly decreasing the dynamic response and slightly decreasing the frequency of maximum response and using the self aligning bearing with others bearings types give the misalignment self-overcoming feature.


Rotor,Dynamic Response,Journal Bearing,Roller Bearing,Ball Bearing,


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Bhasker Dappuri, Suman Mishra, N. Lakshmi Devi



Segmentation of MR brain image is quite useful in detection of tumors and further diagnosis. However, precise segmentation of tumors plays a significant role in diagnosing the patient more effectively. Previously, there are plenty of approaches was implemented and however they were failed to detect the exact tumor which led to the failure diagnosis. Therefore, an accurate detection of tumor is required for effective diagnosis. Here, this article presented an efficient segmentation of MR brain image tumors. Our approach includes a hybrid clustering mechanism with pre-processed by savitzky-golay filter (SGF). In addition, tumor area also estimated for better diagnosis of patient. Simulation results disclosed the superiority of proposed hybrid approach over conventional segmentation algorithms in terms of computational complexity and segmentation accuracy.


Magnetic resonance imaging,Brain tumor,Thresholding,Fuzzy C-means,K-means,Hybrid clustering,


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K. Rajasekhara Reddy, V. Nagabhaskar Reddy, M. Vijaya Kumar



Multilevel inverters are superior to the two-level inverters to meet medium and high - power applications. A seven-level diode-clamped multilevel topology (7LDCMT) proposed, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of various control strategies such as multilevel space vector pulse width modulation (MSVPWM) with multicarrier sinusoidal pulse width modulations (MCSPWM) named as level shift and phase shift PWM based on the position of carriers at certain frequency. In level shift is further divided and compare the Inphase disposition sinusoidal pulse width modulation (IPD-SPWM), phase opposition and disposition-sinusoidal pulse width modulation (POD-SPWM), alternate phase opposition and disposition-sinusoidal pulse width modulation (APOD-SPWM) and carrier phase displacement sinusoidal pulse width modulation (CPD-SPWM). The 7L-DCMT designed with MATLAB/SIMULINK and the performance can analyses based on the observing total harmonic distortion (THD) at different control strategies.


Seven level diode-clamped multilevel inverter,Multicarrier sinusoidal pulse width modulation,level shift,phase shift,Multilevel Space vector pulse width modulation,


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MD Mobin Akhtar, Danish Ahamad, Ahmed Marzouq Alotaibi



The recent expansion of research into big data has set an exciting goal for mathematicians, Computer scientists as well as business professionals. Though, the absence of a Sound architecture of mathematics presents itself by way of a actual experiment in the Big Data advancement community. The paper's goal is to propose a possible theory of mathematical structure as per a basis of research into big data. The analysis of the application a mathematical modelling can be strongly wellthought- out as a theory of the Big data transforming technologies, systems, data management and processing tools. In amassing, the premise of big data's inanity is constructed on the calculus & principle and set theory. Its suggested method in this paper, encourage and open up more open doors for large information research and advancements on Big data information knowledge, business analytics, big data information investigation, big data Computing information technology as well as big data Computer science.


Big data,mathematical modelling,big data analysis,big data computing,


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Rama Naga Kiran Kumar. K, Ramesh Babu. I



This research paper gives the idea of 'non-overlapping n-ary codons' is suggested as aninnovative way to deal with the investigation of genome groupings in the system of analytical software engineering. Given a genome succession of length N, and one can have (N/n) non-overlapping n-ary codons with 0 or 1 or up to n-1 untouched nucleotides left in the arrangement. Fresh or unused nucleotides are not advised in the plan of genetic code.


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Rama Naga Kiran Kumar. K, Ramesh Babu. I



Huge amount of genomic and related data is available in public domain, but they are not manageable. So, it has become the need of the hour to search for faster and reliable algorithms to work on such large genomic databases. Generally, the genomic data comes under ‘Big Data’ and the implementation of the huge data is a hard task. In this case, the public who are working in the field of data mining and pattern recognition understood the emphasis of ‘Machine learning’ capability in evaluating such big data. In this connection, this paper recommends a novel procedure of ‘Supernatural classification of genomic strings’ for DNA analysis scheme.


Supernatural classification,pattern recognition,Big data,Genome Analysis,


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M. Venkata Sireesha, P V Naganjaneyulu, K. Babulu



To depict the hyperspectral data, here a sturdy mixing model is implemented by employing various perfect spectral signatures mixture, which enhances the generally utilized linear mixture model (LMM) by inserting an extra term that describes the potential nonlinear effects (NEs), which are addressed as additive nonlinearities (NLs) those are disseminated without dense. Accompanying the traditional nonnegativity and sum-to-one restraints underlying to the spectral mixing, this proposed model heads to a novel pattern of sturdy nonnegative matrix factorization (S-NMF) with a term named group sparse outlier. The factorization is presented as an issue of optimization which is later dealt by an iterative blockcoordinated descent algorithm (IB-CDA) regarding the updates with maximationminimization. Moreover, distinctive hyperspectral mixture models also presented by adopting the considerations like NEs, mismodelling effects (MEs) and endmember variability (EV). The extensive simulation analysis by the implementation of proposed models with their estimation approaches tested on synthetic images. Further, it is also shown that the comparative analysis with the conventional approaches.


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Md. Shamim Hossain, Md. Ibrahim Abdullah, Md. Martuza Ahamad, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Md. Shohidul Islam



Wireless sensor nodes have deployed with limited energy sources. The lifetime of a node usually depends on its energy source. The main challenging design issue of the wireless sensor network is to prolong the network lifetime and prevent connectivity degradation by developing an energy-efficient routing protocol. Many research works are done to extend the network lifetime, but still, it is a problem because of the impossibility of recharging. In this paper, we present a hierarchical clustering technique for wireless sensor network called Clustering with Residual Energy and Neighbors (CREN). It is based on two basic parameters, e.g., number of neighbors of a node and its residual energy. We use these properties as a weighted factor to elect a node as a cluster head. A well-known method, LEACH had a high performance in energy saving and the quality of services in the wireless sensor network. Like Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), CREN rotates the cluster head among the sensor nodes to balance the energy consumption. The simulation result shows the proposed technique achieves much higher performance and energy efficiency than LEACH.


Wireless Sensor Networks,Clustering Algorithm,Cluster Head,Energy-efficiency,Residual Energy,LEACH,


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