


Abdullah S. Alotaibi, Sivaram Rajeyyagari



Routing is the most widely seen in many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. Some networks work routinely on single path and this is limited. Many issues are identified in routing in WSN such as traffic, malicious nodes, etc. In this paper, the new enhanced threshold-based policy (BP-T) and a heuristic policy, which seriously controls traffic bifurcations at overlay focused. This will reduce the traffic and find the optimal with multiple routing can be identified. Results show the performance of the proposed system.


Wireless sensor network,routing,BPT,OBP,


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Olga I. Ohrimenko, Maria L. Vilisova, Violetta V. Rokotyanskaya, BelaB. Bidova, Anna S. Popovskaia



This article outlines the theoretical, methodological and practical problems of analysis and synthesis of complex systems. The static or dynamic property of a system can be evaluated when the system structure is known, and all its parameters are specified. The objective of system analysis is to find an exact analytical or approximate solution of equations based on a corresponding mathematical model, as well as its further research. Theoretical conclusions and results have allowed to build mathematical models applicable to the management of objects with different principles of operation, in particular, to the management of complex technical and technological objects that can be represented as nonlinear dynamic systems. Nonlinear dynamic integral models are deemed appropriate to study and design such systems in some critical application.


technical systems,engineering systems,mathematical models,management,system analysis,complex system,


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In present days, low power Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit assumes a significant job in structuring effective vitality sparing electronic frameworks for rapid execution. In this, low power utilization one of the most significant criteria in different gadgets like cell phones, workstations, High-speed work stations, and so on. FinFETs area unit multi-door transistors that supply higher entry direct management is very little component advancements. They show higher and lower spillage contrasted with the Complementary metal oxide semiconductor planar. As appeared in Figure one, the door is created of a slim balance that associates the availability of the channel on to form the avenue. The avenue is middle between 2 facet entryways on 2 inverse sides. the weather of the door area unit calculable through the entry length, chemical compound thickness, balance dimension, and balance tallness. The activity of the FinFET semiconductor unit is basically similar because of the CMOS planate. In this paper, an SR Latch utilizing eight transistors has been proposed. The proposed SR Latch is planned to utilize the CADENCE EDA apparatus and re-enacted utilizing the Specter Virtuoso at FinFET 18 nm innovation. The proposed outcomes as far as power, area, and delay from table3, table4, table5, and table6.


Low power,delay,area,FinFET SR Latch,FinFET NAND gate,DSP,VLSI,


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M. Anita, Rajani. P



The main intention of this paper was to deliver some of the distinctive features of the Vlasov equation and Landau damping from the perspective of mathematical physics. The main thrust can be reviewed as; Vlasov equation is understood from the origin point of view. The mean field is limit of the classical Nbody problem, is depicted in pure mathematical and also statistical guidelines. We also axiomatically concluded that the Vlasov equation is completely justified as one major source that led to numeral of open problems in mathematical physics: either from molecular chaos to the problems of kinetic theory. We have delivered the mathematics of the Vlasov equations: particularly the traditional partial differential equation analysis in the functional spaces. The problem is observed to be converted as a general transport equation and relaying on the well-posedness of the equation and preserving the transport structure the Vlasov equation is solved for pivotal analytic solutions and compared with the computational solution obtained using solver codes. The analysis of the Vlasov-Poisson equation and its qualitative properties and are focused on the mathematical aspects. In this paper Landau damping is identified numerically for 1D model of non relativistic Vlasov equation.


Vlasov equation,Landau dampin,functional spaces,Semi Lagrangian Schemes,


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Alexander A. Prikhodko



Machines with intermittent movement of working body are widely used in industry. Currently, mechanisms with unilateral constraints or variable structures are used as actuators of such machines. Output link stops in most mechanisms are provided by periodic rupture of the kinematic connection between the links. This disadvantage limits the use of these mechanisms in high speed machines, since impacts occur at the end or beginning of the motion phase. So, there is a relevant task to create, analyze and effectively put into practice intermittent motion mechanisms (IMMs) in which during operation the kinematic constraint between the links is not broken. The author proposes and analyzes planetary trains, which include modified elliptical wheels. The variable transfer function of a non-circular wheel pair and certain dimensions of the mechanism links make it possible to obtain required motion function. The kinematics of the proposed IMMs is analyzed, as a result of which the functions of the angle of rotation and the analogue of the output shaft angular velocity are found and constructed. Created mechanisms due to the use of gears perform reliability and compactness with the possibility of transferring great forces, and they can find application in metalworking machinery, automatic lines, robotics, transporters.


Rotational motion,Intermittent motion,Elliptical gearwheels,Planetary mechanism,Kinematic analysis,Angular velocity,


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Suha Dh. Athab, Nassir H. Selman



Glaucoma is a visual disorder, which is one of the significant driving reason for visual impairment. Glaucoma leads to frustrate the visual information transmission to the brain. Dissimilar to further eye diseases such as myopia and cataracts, the influence of glaucoma can’t be cured; however, the disease ranked as 2􀯡􀯗 driving reason for blindness according to the organization of the health world. Among eye sickness anticipated to influence around 80 million individuals by 2020. Raising the fluid pressure well-known by intraocular pressure (IOP) is the prime cause of Glaucoma disorder .Diagnoses of glaucoma could be achieved through observing the adjustment in the structure of Optic Nerve Head (ONH) to get its features. The proposed methodology suggests to extract region of Interest (ROI) and blurred its red band to enable the segmentation of Optic Disc(OD); followed by inpainting blood vessels stage to facilitate the work of the next stage, which was segmentation of the Optic Cup(OC), the accuracy rate, sensitivity and specificity for detection OD segmentation was 94.7549%, 95.058%, and 95.93%, respectively. The accuracy rate, sensitivity, and specificity for OC segmentation 94.3254%, 0.7877%, 0.9848% respectively.


Optic Disc,Optic Cup,Drishti_GS,Retinal fundus,Glaucoma Diagnosis,


I. Bhat SH, Kumar P. Segmentation of Optic Disc by Localized Active
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Omar Abdulmohsin Ali, Mohammed Ahmed Abbas



Segmentation has vital employment in regression analysis where data have some change point. Traditional estimation methods such as Hudson, D.J.;(1966) and Muggeo, V. M., (2003)have been reviewed. But these methods do not take into account robustness in the presence of outliers values. However, third method was used as rank-based method, where the analysis will be devoted to the ranks of data instead of the data themselves. Our contribution in this paper is to use M-estimator methodology with three distinct weight functions (Huber, Tukey, and Hampel) which has been combined with Muggeo version approach to gain more robustness, Thus we get robust estimates from the change point and regression parameters simultaneously. We call our new estimator as robust Iterative Rewrighted Mestimator: IRWm-method with respect to its own weight function. Our primary interest is to estimate the change point that joins the segments of regression curve, and our secondary interest is to estimate the parameters of segmented regression model. The real data set were used which concerned to bed-loaded transport as dependent variable (y) and discharge explanatory variable (x). The comparison has been conducted by using several criteria to select the most appropriate method for estimating the change point and the regression parameters. The superior results were marked for IRWm-estimator with respect to Tukey weight function.


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Zamen Karm, Rmazi Sehud Hameed, Akeel Dhahir Subhi



In this work, γ-Al2O3powder as copper adsorbent material was synthesized from polyoxohydroxide aluminum (POHA) precursor using aluminum powder, potassium hydroxide and d- glucose dissolved in distilled water and ethanol, and calcined at 500 °C. Prepared γ-Al2O3powder was characterized using (XRD), (FTIR), (SEM), (LGI) and (BET) method. The copper ions concentration of oilfieldproducedwater was determined using (ICP-OES). The parameters considered asγ-Al2O3adsorbent dose, adsorption time and pH used in this work are (0.2 and 0.4 mg/l), (30-180 min) and (4-10 pH) respectively. The characterization results showed that γ-phase is the dominant phase of synthesized Al2O3 powder. The results also showed that high adsorption performance for copper ions with a high removal efficiency of 99.99% using synthesized γ-Al2O3was obtained with an absorbed dose of 0.4 mg /l, adsorption time of 90 min and a pH of 7.


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Firas Ahmmed Mohammed



The optimal prediction or forecasting of time series values from the observations required many things such as checking the identification accuracy, model diagnosis, and data free from violations (outliers, for instance). Therefore, the researchers are always wondering if the used model or the supported method is sufficient to represent the data or there are more information that can be provided and probable increasing of precision as a consequence in the forecasting. This paper is an attempt to propose a new hybrid model building that can be denoted by AR-Holt (p+5). Also, suggest a new algorithm to estimate the parameters of this new hybrid model with its forecasting for inside and outside the series. Furthermore, the comparison has been done between this new hybrid model with AR(p) model which was identified as well as its parameters were estimated by many traditional methods which are Yule-Walker, Burg, robust RA, LS, Mcov and LMS methods for contaminated time series data. Simulation experiments have been conducted with different levels of contamination (p=0, 0.05, 0.15) to evaluate the superior of the performance of this new model according to different sample sizes (n=30, 70, 150). A real data application of the barley crops in Iraq is taken into consideration.


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Firas Ahmed Khalil, Najim Abed Jassim



The prime aim of the current research is to investigate the thermal performance of the solar-assisted heat pump (SAHP) under the Iraqi climate experimentally and theoretically. In the winter season, the ambient air temperature reduces which causes a reduction in the coefficient of performance (COP) of heat pumps. By utilizing the thermal energy of solar to raise the heat transfer rate of the evaporator, compressor work diminishes and thus the COP of heat pump rises. The experimental setup of SAHP is perform by joining of a solar air heater and an air-toair heat pump. In this arrangement, the inlet of the air evaporator has been preheated by a solar air heater. The mathematical model based on energy balance was evolved and the performance of this system has been studied over a cold season of Baghdad city (placed in the middle of Iraq). The consequences revealed that the presence of porous media in the lower channel of the absorber plate providing a great surface area for convective heat transfer, therefore, the variation of air temperature and thermal efficiency of the solar air heater are raised. The average thermal efficiency for models (II, III, IV, and V) over the model I (Conventional) are (16.6%, 21.2%, 26.2%, and 30.3%) respectively at mass flow rate 0.02172 kg/s.


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