


Tahreer Safa’a Mansour



The difficulty of fusion splicing hollow-core photonic Crystal fibers (HCPCFs) and solid-core (SC-PCFs) to conventional step index single mode fiber (SMF) has severely limited the implementation of PCFs. To make PCFs morefunctional, we have developed a method for splicing HC-PCF and SC-PCF toa SMF using a commercial arc splicer. A repeatable, robust, low-loss splice between the PCFs and SMF is demonstrated. In this paper, comprehensive theoretical, simulation and empirical -MZI based on splicing PCF between two single mode fibers. Adopting of MZI based on SMF and PCF is presented. Theoretical model of computing MFD and relative hole size is used to investigate losses with respect to splicing region. In addition, modeling of MZI using Opti Bpm yields a flexible solution to investigate the splicing effects and finding the optimum point of losses. Both MZI based on SC-PCF and HC-PCF are used in this article. In this section, optimization of splice loss of joints between PCF and SMF is carried out. For the analysis, we use two solvers OptiBPM and OptiMode, and codes written by MATLAB software.


Fusion splicing fibers,microstructure fabrication,photonic crystal fiber,


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B. Kranthi kiran



In recent days the fast-growing disease in most of the world's is breast cancer especially in women and, according to global statistics, represents a different level of cases that are hitting cancer and illnesses associated with related diseases, rendering it a major public health issue currently in the community. The diagnosis and treatment for this significantly contributed by the machine learning techniques that can be applied for patient data to detect the cancer stage at earlier stages can help patients receive appropriate medical treatment. In this paper, four classification methods have been used in the context of Bayes Net, Adaboost, Simple Logistic and Stochastic Gradient Descent, successfully. The primary goal is to test in terms of accuracy, uncertainty matrix, MAE and RMSE, consistency in the identification of information concerning efficiency and effectiveness of each algorithm.


Classification,Machine learning,Stochastic Gradient Descent,Breast cancer,


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Timmana Hari Krishna, C. Rajabhushnam



Cancer is a disease which is usually happens among the individuals everywhere throughout the world. There are numerous reasons to happen the malignant growth like as various habitats, environmental disorders and so forth. Cancer growth being identified at beginning periods can saves a large number of peoples, if viable cure is specified. It can make harm any piece of body. Generally the cancer occurs in breast of ladies. When a breast cells divide rapidly, it creates a group of mass which is called tumor . It is very difficult to detect the breast cancer tumor, it is very challenging task. Also the structure of the cancer cells are very complicated. In this article a prediction of breast cancer is present. In this a deep learning support-vector-method (D-SVM) is used to identify the breast cancer tumor. Also, In a early stages of an mammographic cancer a segmentation to threshold method is used. For the classification and for the feature extraction purpose this DSVM method is used. In this method we integrates conventional support vector machine (SVM) & classifier deep-neural-network. Likewise, probability of the lump to differentiate its sort is additionally taken in this paper for example amiable, suspicious or harmful.


Malignant,Image Processing,Support Vector Machine,Feature Extraction,Deep Neural Network,


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Ali Samir A., Ihsan Y. Hussain



The present work reports an experimental investigation for the convective boiling heat transfer of R-134a in vertical tube filled with metal foam. High porosity (0.95-0.98) with PPI (40-80) metal foams (open-cell) are being considered to improve heat transfer process. Both of hydrodynamic and heat thermal performance are investigated. The results indicate that the metal foams significantly increases both heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number but at the expense of increasing the pressure drop with mass flux rang 3-40 kg/m2.s. New correlations are proposed to predict the pressure drop and Nusselt number and show good agreements with previous experimental and numerical works.


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Sajjad Ali, Raza Mehdi, Syed Mohammad Noman



The concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) gas was measured at different traffic stressed areas. This study aims to find out the air quality CO concentration in the city of Karachi, Pakistan from 2002 to 2018. More than 300 sites were observed in the year 2002 and 2018. Those observations were segregated with respect of type of the day, time of the day and, at different elevations. Type of the day is then categories on weekdays and weekends. Time of the day considered as morning, afternoon and, evening. Elevations of observation were taken as 3.0 feet and 4.5 feet above the ground. A CO Index was also checked for every combination. Geographic Information System (GIS) maps were also crafted for every combination of days, times and, heights to visualize the situation. At, 3.0 feet height for both cases of working and weekdays it is observed that CO concentration is nearly half of that of 2002. At the elevation of 4.5 feet it is also going down but about 10% as compared to 2002. Even after having a decrement trend the area under study is unhealthy for living. CO concentration was then predicted for years 2020, 2022 and 2025. Even have a decrement trend, the living condition was not good for any of the projected year for time of the day and type of the day. The main reason for having a decrement pattern is changing fuel type and removal of old carriage buses.


CO Concentration,Karachi Metropolis,Air Quality Index,Trafficrelated air Pollution,


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Payam Shojaeian Zanjani, Saeed Ebrahimi Nejad Motlagh Tehrani



In the present era, we have a new method called cloud computing, in which the services are shared over the Internet. There are many organizations that provide cloud processing services. Cloud processing allows users and developers to use these services without interfering with the technical knowledge or control of the technology they require, but on the other hand, day to day, more information of individuals and companies is stored inside clouds, which puts the challenge of data security ahead of users. Information security in virtual environments and new area of cloud computing has always been emphasized as one of the basic infrastructures and essential requirements for ICT-intensive use. Although absolute security is unattainable both in the real environment and in the virtual environment, it is possible to create a level of security that is sufficiently adequate in almost all environmental conditions. In cloud computing, there are many security challenges that must be addressed by cloud service providers to convince users to use this technology. One of the most important issues is ensuring the user's data is inaccurate and unavailable. For the user, the security process used to store data in the cloud is very obscure, long, and vague. In this research, a security approach based on abnormal behavior is designed to detect events that are unusual and abnormal in relation to other system behaviors. The focus of this paper is the use of evolutionary algorithms such as genetics or other new algorithms such as an imperialist competitive algorithm to detect these abnormal behaviors with intelligence agents. In similar studies, various optimization methods such as genetic algorithms, pso have been used. The proposed algorithm can be compared and evaluated with previous methods.


abnormal behavior,security,cloud computing,evolutionary algorithm,imperialist competitive algorithm,


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Mohammad Hassan Ghasemian Bejestani, Nader Sargolzai



This paper presents a multi-objective optimization model to optimize the performance of the Combined cooling, heat & power (CCHP) strategy in different climates based on cost, energy consumption and carbon gas production. In order to ensure the reliability of the CCHP's performance strategy and potential load power, potential constraints are added to the contingency model and the impact of increasing the level of reliability on contingency constraints on cost, energy consumption and carbon gas production is analyzed. To develop the proposed multi-objective analysis, a model is proposed to reduce primary energy consumption and carbon emissions, and for different atmospheric conditions, values of energy consumption and carbon gas production are determined. Finally, the proposed problem was applied to the cities of San Francisco, Boston, Miami, Minneapolis and Columbus and coded in the GAMS optimization software environment. Then, based on the numerical results, the capabilities of the proposed scheme in support of optimal CCHP performance planning are evaluated.


Multi Objective Modeling,Power generation,CCHP Heating Unit,Combined Systems,


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Mohammad Sadegh Javadi, Rahil Bahrami



This paper presents a new approach based upon Perturb and Observe (P&O) to track Maximum Power Point (MPP) in Photovoltaic (PV) systems. This algorithm has a wide step length range which results in a very high response time to changing ambient condition. This method is analogue based and thus no DSP and/or A/D are employed in this system which greatly reduces the complexity and cost. To further increase the total efficiency, a soft switching converter as an interface circuit is applied. Semiconductor devices in underutilized converter entirely are fully soft switched. The proposed system is analyzed and the simulation results are presented. A 135W prototype system is implemented and the stated experimental results confirm the veracity of the theoretical analysis.


Maximum Power Point Tracking,Perturb and Observe,Photovoltaic Panel,Zero Current Switching Converters,


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M. Sudhakar, Heeralal Mudavath, G. Kalyan Kumar



The pond ash (class F) as an individual material is unsuitable for utilization in pavement constructions due to few undesirable physico-mechanical properties. Treatment of pond ash by suitable additives like cement and lime would improve its usability. The present study is intended to determine the strength and stiffness properties such as Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Resilient modulus (MR) of both untreated and lime-treated pond ash for its pavement subbase application. The experimental investigation illustrates the enhancement in UCS, CBR, and MR properties of lime-treated pond ash compared to untreated/virgin pond ash specimens. Further, a significant improvement was observed at lime content about 8%, which can be considered as optimum addition to pond ash for pavement constructions.


Pond ash,Lime,UCS,CBR,Resilient Modulus,


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B Sankara Babu, Srikanth Bethu, P.S.V. Srinivasa Rao, V. Sowmya



As indicated by Breast Cancer Research, Breast malignancy is the disease most unmistakable in the female populace of the world. According to the clinical specialists, identifying this malignant growth in its beginning time helps in sparing lives. The site offers individualized aides for more than 120 sorts of malignancy and related innate disorders. For visualization of bosom malignant growth through innovation, AI strategies are, for the most part, favored. In this structure, an adaptable group AI calculation by surveying among different strategies is proposed for the conclusion of bosom disease. Reports utilizing the Wisconsin Breast Cancer database is utilized. The point of this system is to analyze and clarify how ANN and calculated relapse calculation together gives a superior answer to identify Breast malignancy even though the factors are diminished. This procedure demonstrates that the neural system is additionally compelling for necessary human information. We can do pre-finding with no uncommon therapeutic learning.


Artifical Neural Network,Convolutional Networks,Machine Learning,Support Vector Machine,


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