Journal Vol – 14 No -5, October 2019

Amaravati : Future Food Processing Hub of India


K. Phani Kumar, Dhananjaya Joshi



Andhra Pradesh’s bifurcation in 2014 required the creation of an ew capital–and presented a unique opportunity to draft a blue print for a city that could be a model for urban development across India and around the world. To begin the journey from farmland to world-class city, more than 24,000 farmers and other land owners in 29 villages near Vijayawada and Guntur agreedtopool217sqkmwherethenewcapitalwillbebuiltfromthegroundup.


Agriculture,Food processing,Amaravathi,Value chain,Food Parks,


I. Hymavathi C.H, Koneru K(2019). Investor’s perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi region
of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
II. Hymavathi C, Koneru K (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp. 1913-
III. Hymavathi C.H, Koneru K(2018). Investors’ awareness towards commodities
market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh. International Journal
of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-1106.,
IV. KishanVarma M.S, Koneru K, Yedukondalu D (2019). Effect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International Journal of
Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
V. Koneru K (2018). Stress at work place and its impact on employee performance.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 7(2), pp. 1066-
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest Lectures?.
The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education. Volume 26, Issue 1.
VII. Neelima J, Koneru K(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
VIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer satisfaction:
A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel retailing.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2917-
IX. Sivakoti Reddy M, Venkateswarlu N(2019). Customer relationship management
practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A study on the
selected private sector banks housing finance schemes. International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
X. Sivakoti Reddy M, Murali Krishna S.M(2019). Influential role of retail service
quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between traditional
and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management and Business
Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.

XI. Sivakoti Reddy M, Naga Bhaskar M, Nagabhushan A (2016). Saga of silicon
plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors of farmers
on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control Theory and
Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XII. Suhasini T, Koneru K (2019). Employee engagement through HRD practices on
employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical evidence from Indian
IT industry. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XIII. Suhasini T, Koneru K (2018). A study on employee engagement driving factors
and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence from
Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.
XIV. Y. V. Rao and SrinivasaRaoBudde Banking Technology Innovations in India:
Enhancing Customer Value and Satisfaction. Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/78280, December

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Driving Factors in the Selection of a Bank∷ Stakeholder’s Perspective


Hanumantha Rao Sama, Somasekhar Donthu, Vasanta Kumar. V



Now days, there is radical evolution in banking sector which results into the emergence of numerous banks that keep the customers in a dilemma in preferring a bank over the other. In the present research workfactors, which determine the customer’s choice of preference to a bank while opening an account is studied? As customers have their own sense of tastes, preferences towards products and services. This study analyzes what the customer is thinking that, which factor is most important to him/her while opening an account in a specific bank. The present study has surveyed more than 250 respondents. The results stresses on the various factors like Online banking, Mobile banking, Credit and debit card services, and Number of ATM booths available and many more other factors.


Selecting of a Bank, factors,banking sector,Principle component analysis,


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The Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention– An Empirical Study of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Hawassa City.


S. M. Murali Krishna, Ch Hari Govinda Rao, Auadhati Datta



Our strategic importance related to age and retention of employees is an organization this is important because not only the most talented and the best competitors, but also to protect the long-term benefits for themselves and for the people. Human Resources are a very valuable resource for any organization, and for any organization around the world. Therefore, it is not necessary to take the stairs for the wise of heart, to maintain the norm that gives life. HR organizations can effectively help stop important customers. The church branch of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Hawassa, and intensely lives in a particular way, is headed down by competition, effort and billing risk. This study examined the effectiveness of sensitive HRM practical knowledge of TV retention in the branches of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Hawassa. Specifically, life development opportunities, work environment, work-life balance, and employee engagement were rewarded for retention of impacted developers. Section of the plan with another follow-up study becomes Hawassa his cross. The study was conducted in 10 branches in the city of Hawassa. General sample, all employees. Stratified random sampling was used to select a selective sample of 156 employees out of 260; only 150 interviewers received six (6) poorly completed answers or less in the analysis. The total of 150 questionnaires used is 96.16%. Movement, keep an employee. When the balance between work and private life, and the participation of young people, human resource management workers to seek more accessions of new things, things that have been discussed before, then this competition can only not be maintained long. Improve the retention of employees on the banks of the river is recommended as a developer, to acquire them, please pay attention to the human momentum. If banks offer a certain degree of flexibility to reconcile life and compensation of employees, you employ them. It is also recommended that banks join forces and unite with academic research universities and other institutions to address issues that derive from the best solution for human resource management. In the future, other researchers are trying to estimate the duration of practices that affect retention. Bed, lighter should also be used for some commercial banks and banks after that, comparative studies, the effectiveness of HRM practices.


Employee Retention,Work- Life Balance,Employee Engagement,Compensation,Competitive Advantage,Flexibility,Talented Employees Pool,


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EnhancingCustomer Value and Satisfaction.Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/78280, December

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Importance and 2emergence of workforce diversity concept with special reference to gender diversity in today’s business scenario:an empirical study of various industrial sectors of South India


Saritasatpath, VikasBhatnagar



In today’s business scenario people around the world are coming closer due to technological advancement. Apart from this different organization to face the competition are investigating the best way to have a best human resource by hiring and keeping able and efficient workforce for a longer period . So strategically diversity in workforce is a value adding HR function which able to enhance the allround performance of an organization. But due tosocietal inequities, religious and cultural differences, it seems to be difficult to managing diversity and makes it a complex and unique HR issue in India. One more fact is that out of total diverse workforce 30 to 32% workforce is female workforce. Even though they are getting considerable recognition at organizations, still their quantity at managerial positions is very far from male workforce, (Both in top and middle level) is growing , but in a slow rate. Still the female employee percentage in decision making position is increase lesser rate as compared to the past years. Most of the time they are feeling pressure and sometime forced to work in an environment which is highly controlled and dominated by male employees. Such kind of circumstances and practices is creating an environment thatminimizing their scope to move their career path toward the higher level .this paper is an attempt brings clear attitude towards gender diversities, theirobstacles and the strategies adopted to solve this problem by various industrial sectors India.


Gender diversity,Diversity Management programs and practices,Male dominated society,Discriminationobstacles,,


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Strategic Management Of Foreign Direct Investment: Potential Markets Analysis


Swapnamoyee P.Palit



India has made its place in the top 100 clubs on Ease of Doing Business(EoDB) and has gradually occupied the first rank in Greenfield FDI. There has been an increase in its inward and outward FDI. However through the gap between the two has been narrowing sharply over the years, yet it has remained a net recipient of FDI for all the years. While the inward FDI shows its attractiveness as a destination for global investment, its OFDI reflects its capability of venturing out into the global market and make a global presence. India has not only shown an increase in its OFDI but has reflected some unique features like major investment in developed and sophisticated destination countries rather than its neighbour developing countries, the same sectors appearing as its major inward and outward investment field reflecting the underlying link between the two with the roles played by factors like liberal government FDI policies, market size, the development status of these sectors etc. This paper seeks to empirically analyse the inward and OFDI of India with respect to its status, direction, composition and future prospects.




I. Holtbrugge, Dirk and Heidi Kreppel(2012): Determinants of Outward
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III. Kishan Varma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
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Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
IV. Knoerich, Jan(2017): How does Outward FDI Contribute to Economic
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VI. Massand, A.B and Gopalakrishna B.V.(2017): Determinants of Bank Foreign
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Kozhikode Society and Management Review.vol.6(1).pp.13-22.Sage
VII. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
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Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VIII. ODI Factsheet, April 2016 to March 2019.Department of Economic Affairs,
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IX. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.
X. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
XI. Vide, Romana Korez, Patrick Voller and Vito Bobek(2014): Foreign Direct
Investment Location Choice Factors: Some Evidence for Brazil. Management
Dynamics in Knowledge Economy.vol.2(3),pp.424-439.

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Impact of Merger &Acquisition on Employee Culture: A Case Study on DXC Technology


S. Gayathri, Mano Priya Ranjan Katragadda



When any merger or acquisition takes place, the motive is mainly on financial gain through market or technology capitalisation. A merger always brings with it a lot of structural changes in the newly formed organisation. The main stakeholders, apart from the Board of Directors include customers, employees, creditors and suppliers. The employees are involved in the process, throughout the entire journey and its aftermath. The state of the employees during and after the mergers is not the same. The employees would be in a state of insecurity and apprehension about their positions and future. Any merger would have its impact on the work culture and employee satisfaction. It is necessary to understand the employee’s perspective on mergers. This research is focussing on the case of a recent merger in the IT industry. The spin off merger of HPE with CSC had resulted in a new company, DXC Technology. The study has conducted a review of the merger, with emphasis on its impact on the employees and has been conducted in the Chennai division of DXC.


Mergers,Spin off,Employee perspective,DXC Technology,


I. Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1995). Organizational marriage:“hard”
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Pradesh.International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2),
pp. 1104-1106.
V. Lawlor, J. (2013). Employee perspectives on the post-integration stage of a
micro-merger. Personnel Review, 42(6), 704–723.
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019).What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
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26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019).Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.

VIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
IX. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology.9(4), pp. 725-732.

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Evaluating the Financial Performance of Dairy Firm: An Application of ratio Analysis


M Ramu, M. Siva Koti Reddy, S.Sudheer



This analysis in white paper explains in detail the nature of the company. The tools provide information that is widely used in the financial analysis of the reasons. A ratio expresses relationship between one number to the other as per the book written by wixon, kell and Bedford, a ratio “is an expression of the quantitative relationship between two numbers”. In other words ratio is the value obtained by dividing one number by the other To demonstrates the process of balance sheet analysis system described in this company diary firm.


Accounting Ratios,Annual Reports,Visa Steel Limited,Financial Performance,Steel Industry,


I. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-
II. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-34.
III. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.

IV. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
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Anuragjain for Excel Books, Secound Edition, 2008.
XI. Verma.KK, Financial Accounting and Analysis, Published by Anurag Jain
for Excel Books, 2008.

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Sustainable Consumption: A Study on Factors Affecting Green Consumer Behavior


V. Sravani Chari, M. Sivakoti Reddy



Consumer awareness towards the environment and preference for more environmentally safe products is growing steadily around the world. This shift in consumer thinking levels has led to birth of a new category of consumers – The Sustainable Consumers”. Thus, sustainable production and consumption have gained prominence and are changing the consumption patterns of people. The shift towards green lifestyle is more among the youngsters. Thus, the study aims at determining the factors that led the young consumers towards the path of sustainable consumption. The factors that were under investigation in this study were consumer beliefs, Health consciousness, Environmental awareness and perceived quality. The data has been collected from 300 youngsters in different areas of Hyderabad.


Sustainable consumption,environmentally safe products,Green purchasing behavior,


I. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi
region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714
II. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-
III. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
IV. Kishan Varma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International Journal
of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
V. Lakshmi Narahari, C., Koneru, K. (2018). Stress at work place and its impact
on employee performance. International Journal of Engineering and
Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1066-1071.
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VII. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
VIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.
IX. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.

X. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management
and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of
silicon plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors
of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XII. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019). Employee engagement through HRD
practices on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical
evidence from Indian IT industry. International Journal of Engineering and
Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XIII. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.
XIV. Y. V. Rao and Srinivasa Rao Budde. Banking Technology Innovations in
India: Enhancing Customer Value and Satisfaction. Indian Journal of Science
and Technology, Vol 8(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/78280, December

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The Effect of Message Source Credibility on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Empirical Examination of Appreal Industry


S Sudheer, M Siva Koti Reddy, A Sai Manideep



It is must to a marketer to indulge his self to identify that what consumers percept about the companies advertisement message credibility and as well as what factor in that message would influences them most. By intensive literature review the three higher order factors as part of message source credibility are considered in the present study they are message trustworthiness, message expertness and message attractiveness. An empirical examination was performed through a survey by considering the sample size of 139 respondents who purchase apparels. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques are performed such as factor analysis and multiple regressions and also consumer’s educational qualification was determined as control variable. Observations are presented and discussions are made as per the results.


Constructs source credibility,Endorser credibility,Message appeal,Grocery items purchase intention,


I. CARE Ratings Limited. (2019). Indian Readymade Garments ( Apparel ) Industry Overview.
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Ready Made Garments (Apparel) Industry.pdf
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Impact of Corporate Credibility and Celebrity Credibility on Consumer
Reaction to Advertisements and Brands. Journal of Advertising, 29(3), 43–
V. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi
region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering.8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
VI. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra
Pradesh.International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2),
pp. 1104-1106.
VII. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.8(4), pp.
VIII. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International Journal
of Recent Technology and Engineering.8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
IX. Lafferty, B. A., & Goldsmith, R. E. (1999). How Influential are Corporate
Credibility and Endorser Attractiveness When Innovators React to
Advertisements for a New High- Technology Product ? Corporate Reputation
Review Volume, 7(1), 24–36.
X. Manukonda et al. (2019).What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?.The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.Volume
26, Issue 1. 23-34.
XI. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector.International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
XII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019).Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.

XIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
XIV. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management
and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XV. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016).Saga of
silicon plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors
of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XVI. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019).Employee engagement through HRD
practices on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical
evidence from Indian IT industry. International Journal of Engineering and
Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XVII. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.
XVIII. Wu, P. C. S., & Wang, Y. (2011). The influences of electronic word-ofmouth
Message attractiveness and message Message Trustworthiness on
brand attitude. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(4), 448–

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Impact of Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination on Agriculture Supply Chain Management: A Case Study on Cotton and Chill Farmers in Guntur and Prakasam Districts


Vidya Sagar. Mullapudi, Subba Raydu. Thunga, A. SrikanthBabu, Ch.Hymavathi



The Research is undertaken among chilli and cotton farmers in various villages of Guntur and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh. This study is formulated to analyse perceptions of farmers on knowledge sharing and dissemination practices that are applying in chilli and cotton crop supply chain functions. By this research the researcher made a attempt to assess and evaluate impact of knowledge sharing practices on effectiveness of agriculture supply chain management. The results are elicited by conducting survey among chilli and cotton farmers in different villages in Guntur and Prakasam districts. The survey was executed by selecting farmers purposefully among various regions in Guntur and Prakasam districts. For critical investigation on variables associated with research problem three categories are undertaken i.e. Knowledge sharing practices, Expertise on suppliers and distributors and Knowledge on marketing quality standards. The study results are extracted by analysing and evaluating perceptions of farmers on knowledge sharing practices, knowledge on suppliers and distributors.


Agriculture Supplychain management,Knowledge sharing practices,distributors,marketing quality standards,


I. Ch.Narahari (2017) “A Study on knowledge dissemination Among the
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II. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi
region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
III. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
IV. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-
V. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VII. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
VIII. N. Kumar and S. Arul Krishnan(2017) “An Empirical Study on knowledge
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IX. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
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retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.
X. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.

XI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management
and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of
silicon plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors
of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XIII. Sivaraman, A(2017) “ A Study on knowledge management practices among
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XIV. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019). Employee engagement through HRD
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evidence from Indian IT industry.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
XV. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.

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