
Improved probable clustering based on data dissemination for retrieval of web URLs


Sunita, Vijay Rana



The programmable paradigm in web technologies is evolving into a web service model where services and information can be reused by distinct users. Diverse information is present over the web and the problem of relevant information discovery based on location is a big challenge for web information retrieval system. Lack of Intelligent classification of information compounded the problem further. This paper presents an approach that extends information similarity analysis using probable clustering procedure and introduces specific results based on the current location of the user using Google location services. To capture the similarity of functional text, feature vector techniques are employed. Dissimilar words are classified as stop words and eliminated from the query string to reduce the complexity of search space. Location sensitive mechanism fetches only relevant information belonging to the current location of a user. Experiments were performed to compare classification accuracy with respect to various models used for feature vector extraction and result in emphasis the effectiveness of Semantic similarity extractor location-based web service model.


Intelligent service classification,Natural Language Processing,Location sensitive searching,


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Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Classifiers for Stock Market Prediction in Big Data Environment


Sneh Kalra, Sachin Gupta, Jay Shankar Prasad



I. C. Lee and I. Paik, Stock Market Analysis from Twitter and News Based on Streaming Big Data Infrastructure , in Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, iCAST, Taichung, 2017, pp. 312-317. II. J.V.M. Lakshmi, A Framework Model on Big Data Analytics using Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction on Datasets”, Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Comp. Sci. and App., Sri Chandrasekhar Univ., Enathur, Kanchipuram, 2018. III. M. M. Seif et al, Stock Market Real Time Recommender Model Using Apache Spark Framework, Springer AMLTA 2018, pp. 671–683, 2018, IV. M. Shastri, S. Roy, M. Mittal , Stock Price Prediction using Artificial Neural Model: An Application of Big Data, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, 2019 ,vol- 6, issue 20.O. B. Sezer , A. M. Ozbayoglu , An Artificial Neural Network-based Stock Trading System Using Technical Analysis and Big Data Framework , ACMSE 2017, Kennesawtate University, GA, U.S.A., April, 2017,DOI -10.1145/3077286.3077294. V. R. T. Llame et al, Big Data Time Series Forecasting Based on Nearest Neighbours Distributed Computing with Spark, Knowledge Based Systems (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2018.07.026 VI. S. Kalra, S. Gupta, J. S. Prasad, Sentiments Based Forecasting for Stock Exchange using Linear Regression, unpublished. VII. O. B. Sezer , A. M. Ozbayoglu, An Artificial Neural Network-based Stock Trading System Using Technical Analysis and Big Data Framework , ACMSE 2017, Kennesaw State University, GA, U.S.A., April, 2017,DOI - 10.1145/3077286.3077294. VIII. V. K. Menon et al, Bulk Price Forecasting Using Spark over NSE Data Set, International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data, DMBD 2016, pp 137-146. IX. 9388426983 X. drive-412662 XI. diesel-review-test-drive-412307 XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. 925004768 XVII. spark-application/ XVIII. 50g/657387760199/reviews?page=3&sortBy=RECENCY XIX.


Supervised learning,Product Reviews,Google Cloud, Big data,Apache Spark,


Implementing machine learning models for the stock’s big data emerged as a
component of algorithmic trading systems. This paper proposed a hybrid stock
prediction model based on the collection of qualitative and quantitative data of
particular stocks. In addition to tweets and news data, product reviews of the specific
companies traded under National Stock Exchange are considered to analyze their effect
on the stock movements. Historical Prices will be integrated with sentiment values
generated from tweets, news and product reviews data to construct the amalgam model
using Apache Spark and HDFS for storage of large data. The proposed model has been
implemented in Google Cloud Platform with different cluster configurations. The paper
compares the prediction accuracy based on various types of input data provided to the
model using some popular machine learning algorithms.

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Encryption a Message by using the Enhancement Nonlinear Key Generator and Calculate the Autocorrelation Property of Randomness test by using Matlab


Ahmed Amer Ridha Alsaadi, Ayad G. Naser Al-Shammari



In this paper generated a key that is a nonlinear Bruer generator and enhancement this key generator in order to increment the randomness the key generated and increment the security to the system. And calculate the autocorrelation property for Bruer generator and enhancement Bruer generator. Now by using the enhancement key generated, will encryption a message and decryption the ciphertext to the original message. Also will be designing the interfaces system for the: password for the user, encryption messages and decryption messages, by using program MATLAB (R2017b).


Cryptography,Stream cipher,LFSR,Key generators,Nonlinear Combining Function,Autocorrelation Property,


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Using the Non-Linear Generator to Calculate the Randomness Test for Frequency Property And use it to encrypt and decrypt message by using the Matlab program


Ibrahim Abdul Rasool Hamoud, Ayad Ghazi Naser Alshamri



In this paper, some of the key types used in the encryption system are displayed, and one type of key generator is displayed (Geffe generator). Matlab 2017 also uses some interfaces to illustrate the frequency test on the Encryption keys. Also, interfaces are displayed for encrypting and decrypting a message.




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Heuristic Initialization And Similarity Integration Based Model for Improving Extractive Multi-Document Summarization


Nasreen J. Kadhim, Dheyaa Abdulameer Mohammed



Currently, the prominence of automatic multi document summarization task belongs to the information rapid increasing on the Internet. Automatic document summarization technology is progressing and may offer a solution to the problem of information overload. Automatic text summarization system has the challenge of producing high quality summary. In this paper, the design of generic text summarization model based on sentence extraction has been redirected into more semantic measure reflecting the two significant objectives: content coverage and diversity when generating summaries from multiple documents as an explicit optimization model. The proposed two models have been then coupled and defined as single-objective optimization problem. Also, different integrations of similarity measures have been introduced and applied to the proposed model in addition to the single similarity measure that bases on using Cosine, Dice and 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑 similarity measures for measuring text similarity involving integrating double similarity measures and triple similarity measures. The proposed optimization model has been solved using Genetic Algorithm. Moreover, heuristic initialization has been proposed and injected into the adopted evolutionary algorithm to harness its strength. Document sets supplied by Document Understanding Conference 2002 (𝐷𝑈𝐶2002) have been used for the proposed system as an evaluation dataset and as an evaluation metric, Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (𝑅𝑂𝑈𝐺𝐸) toolkit has been used for performance evaluation of the proposed method and for performance comparison against other baseline systems. Comparison results for the proposed optimization based model against other baselines verified that the proposed system outperforms other baseline approaches in terms of 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑒 − 2 and 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑒 − 1 scores wherein it has recorded a score of 0.4542 for 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑒 − 1 and 0.1623 for 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑒 − 2.


Heuristic Initialization,integrations of similarity measures,Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE),optimization based model,


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Applying Hybrid time series models for modeling bivariate time series data with different distributions for forecasting unemployment rate in the USA


Firas Ahmmed Mohammed, Moamen Abbas Mousa



Unemployment rate forecasting has become a particularly promising field of research in recent years because it's an important problem in state planning and management. Since the time series data are rarely pure linear or nonlinear obviously, sometimes contain both components jointly. Therefore, this study introduces new hybrid models contain Three commonly used, first is the Stochastic Linear Autoregressive Moving Average with eXogenous variable (ARMAX) model for modeled the relationship between the unemployment rate and exchange rate, second and third are a nonlinear Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) and GARCH with eXogenous variable (GARCHX) used When the assumption of homoscedasticity error variance is violated for the purpose of capture the volatility in the residuals of ARMAX model and to enhance the Forecasting ability of ARMAX model by combining it with other nonlinear models. In this case, to have a better forecasting efficiency, we introduce a hybrid methodology of amalgamating the forecasts from a linear time series model (ARMAX) and from a nonlinear time series model (GARCH, GARCHX) with three different distributions (Normal Distribution, Student’s t-distribution and General Error Distribution (GED)), the last two distributions for capturing fat-tailed properties in residuals time series. The hybrid approach specifically (ARMAX-GARCH) and (ARMAXGARCHX) have been used for modeling and forecasting the unemployment rate in the USA. Diverseapproacheshave beenemployed in the parameters vectorestimation. A comparison evaluation was as well been done based on mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), as well as Root mean square error (RMSE) between the hybrid and their individual rival model in accordance with forecasting performance. From investigational results, it is perceived that the hybrid model (ARMAX-GARCHX) is more effectualthan other twin hybrid and individual rival models for the data under study. MATLAB, SAS, and EViews software packages have used for the data analysis


ARMAX,GARCH,GARCHX,Normal distribution,Student-t distribution,General Error distribution (GED),Hybrid model,Unemployment rate,Exchange rate,


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Relation Ship Between Hardness And Roughness For dezincification of Brass


Zamen Karm, Hussein Yousif



The corrosion rate of brass in sodium chloride solution has been studied by means of weight-loss method. Typically the weight loss of the brass in sodium chloride solution in the occurrence of various concentrations of (1%, 2% and 3%) NaCl solution was determined right after 24 hrs immersion. The weight loss experiment was taken out at temperature 25 ˚C . The corrosion regarding the metal was increased with an increase in the concentration of salt. The effect of corrosion on roughness of brass was investigated. Mechanical properties such as hardness by using Vickers method and compressive test were carried out making use of instron 8872 instrument. The results attained showed that the mechanical properties of brass improved for with and with no immersion method exhibited of which increase the corrosion rate of brass, lead to decrease of the strain and stress, and decrease hardness of metal


Brass,Corrosion Rate,Weight-Loss,Roughness,Hardness,Compressive Test,


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Effect of radius and angle of bending on the concentration of stresses in the Aluminum sheet


Jenan Mohammed Naje



Using metals in the industry is widely utilized and have the properties which make it possible to expose it to heat, high force and punch, flexion and modelling. The fore most goal of this study is to deliberate the reported studies about the influence of radius and angle of bending on the concentration of stresses in Aluminum sheet. This research is a quantitative research which is made through reviewing other articles and researches which is concerned with the objective of this article and its applications. Studies and researches were made in order to optimize the methodology of the metal formation to make it less power and time consuming with better formation and less errors.


bending activity,stress concentration,optimization methodology of the metal formation,aluminum sheet,


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Multi-Context Cluster Based Trust Aware Routing ForInternet of Things


Sowmya Gali, Venkatram N



Due to openness of the deployed environment and transmission medium (Internet), Internet of Things (IoT) suffers from various types of security attacks including Denial of service, Sinkhole, Tampering etc. Securing IoT is achieved a greater research interest and this paper proposes a new secure routing strategy for IoT based on trust model. In this model, initially the nodes of the network are formulated as clusters and the IoT nodes which are more prominent in trustworthiness and energy are only chosen as Cluster Heads. Further a trust evaluation mechanism was accomplished for every Cluster Node at Cluster Head to build a secure route for data transmission from source node to destination node. The trust evaluation is a composition of the communication trust, nobility trust and data trust. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed approach and the performance is analyzed through the performance metrics such as Packet Delivery Rate, Network Lifetime, and Malicious Detection Rate. The obtained performance metrics shows the outstanding performance of proposed method even in the increased malicious behavior of network.


Internet of Things,Trust Management,Clustering,Communication Trust,Malicious Detection Rate,Network Lifetime,


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Adaptive threshold back propagation neural network for rice grain classification using variance and co-variance colour features


Ksh. Robert Singh, Saurabh Chaudhury



This paper presents a simple and fast feature extraction technique for classification of four varieties of rice grain. Three colour models (RGB, HSV and HSI) are obtained from the input colour images. Variance and Covariance features are then extracted from each of the three colour models. The classification of rice grains are then carried out using a Back Propagation Neural Network with adaptive thresholding. The computational time for feature extraction and their classification accuracies are also compared with other feature extraction techniques. It is found that the time taken using variance and covariance features extraction technique is relatively less compared to other feature extraction techniques. It is also seen that the proposed feature extraction technique is able to achieve better classification accuracy as compared to other feature extraction techniques discussed in this paper. Results suggest that the proposed technique is able to yield higher classification accuracy than that of other statistical classifiers like K- Nearest Neighbour (K-NN), Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The performances of all four classifiers were also tested against standard data sets.


Image,Colour,Features,Variance,Co-variance,Neural Network,


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