Journal Vol – 14 No -4, August 2019

Analysis and Prediction of Heart Attacks Based on Design of Intelligent Systems


Sozan Sulaiman Maghdid, Tarik Ahmed Rashid, Sheeraz Ahmed, Khalid Zaman, M.Khalid Rabbani



Nowadays, artificial intelligence systems become actively used for the identification of different diseases using their medical data. Most of existing traditional medical systems are based on the knowledge of experts-doctors. In this thesis, the application of soft computing elements is considered to automate the process of diagnosing diseases, in particularly diagnosing of a heart attack. The research work will offer probable help to the medical practitioners and healthcare sector in making instantaneous resolution during the diagnosis of the diseases. The intelligent system will predict heart attacks from the patient dataset utilizing algorithms and help doctors in making diagnose of these illnesses. In this study, three techniques such as a neural network (back propagation), Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Adaptative Neuro-Fuzzy System (ANFIS) are considered for the design of the prediction system. The systems are designed using data sets. The data sets contain 1319 samples that includes 8 input attributes and one output. The output refers presence of a heart attack in the patient. For comparative analysis, the simulation results of the ANFIS model is compared with the simulation results of the neural network-based prediction model. The ANFIS model has shown better performance and outperformed NN based model. The obtained simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of using ANFIS model in the identification of heart attacks.


Artificial neural network,adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system,fuzzy inference System (FIS),neural network (back propagation),heart attack,


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