Journal Vol – 14 No -4, August 2019

Performance analysis of carbon nanotubes forfuture highspeed VLSI on-chip interconnect applications


Ch. Praveen Kumar, E. Sreenivasa Rao, P. Chandrasekhar



In VLSI, while we pass into a sub-micron stage, power dissipation and propagation delay problems occur mainly due to the interconnect parasitic. This motivates the designing of low power interconnects with less propagation delay. This work analyzed the crosstalk induce delay of on-chip interconnects such as copper, SWCNT, and MWCNT with resistive, CMOS and CNTFETdrivers to improve the performance metrics.A two-line driver-interconnect-load (DIL) system is used to analyze the crosstalk induced delay for different interconnect lengths by calculating the equivalent R, L and C parameters of copper and CNT based interconnects. From the simulations, it has been observed that MWCNT interconnects given better performance than conventional copper and SWCNT interconnects when driving through CNTFET driver in terms of power and delay. It is almost given more than 50% lesser delay and power consumption in comparison with others. Additionally, we have performed the crosstalk peak voltage analysis for different interconnect lengths and it is evident that crosstalk can be reduced by changing the coupling and load capacitances. Moreover the MWCNTs have given a 55% lesser noise peaks than the conventional copper interconnects.


Carbon nanotube FETs (CNFETs),CMOS,Single walled carbon nantube (SWCNT),Multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT),interconnects,


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Solving The Beam Deflection Problem Using Al-Tememe Transforms


Emad Kuffi, Elaf Sabah Abbas, Sarah Faleh Maktoof



In this paper, an enhancement to the beam deflection problem is performed through the substitution of 𝑞(𝑥)by 1/x4, this substitution is performed to reduce the beam load intensity, also the enhanced beam deflection problem is solved using two new transforms, which are complex AL-Tememe and AL-Tememetransforms. the results (solutions) from complex AL-Tememe and AL-Tememe transforms are compares to each other, both transforms have the ability to solve the enhanced problem of the beam deflection.


Complex AL-Tememe transform,AL-Tememe transform,deflection of the beam,differential equations,famous function,Inverse of AL-Tememe transform,Inverse of complex AL-Tememe transform,uniform distributed load,


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Applying An Extension AL-Zughair Transform on Radioactive Decay Equation


Emad A. kuffi, Ali Hassan M, Ameer Q. Majde



An extension Al-Zughair transform is a new integral transform that is recently emerged , as a result be its modernity , it has not exploited property in many applications . In this paper the first order ordinary differential equation of radioactive decay equation has been solved using an extension Al- Zughair integral transform .


An extension Al-Zughair transform,ordinary differential equation nuclear physics,radioactive decay,


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A Special Quintic Spline for (0,1,4) Lacunary Interpolation and Cauchy Initial Value Problem


Kulbhushan Singh



In the present paper a special lacunary interpolation problem is solved in which function value, first derivatives and fourth derivatives are prescribed at nodes of the unit interval I = [0, 1]. A special spline function is obtained for it. Then the theorem of unique existence and convergence for this spline function are proved. In our next communication we will show that this special function can be used to solve Cauchy’s Initial value problem.


Cauchy Initial Value Problem,Lacunary Interpolation,Spline function,


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Some Fractional Calculus Results Based on Extended Gauss Hypergeometric Functions and Integral Transform


Sunil Kumar Sharma, Ashok Singh Shekhawat



Extensions of number of well-known special function such as Beta and Gauss hypergeometric and their properties have been investigated recently by several authors. Our approach is based on the use of Generalized Fractional Calculus (GFC) operators. We aim to investigate the MSM (Marichev-Saigo-Maeda) fractional calculus operator, Caputo-type MSM-fractional differential operator and pathway fractional integral operator of the extended generalized Gauss hypergeometric function. Furthermore, by employing some integral transform on the resulting formulas, we presented some more image formulas. All the results derived here are of general character and can yield a number of (known and new) results in theory of special functions.


Gamma function,Extended generalized beta functions,Generalized hypergeometric functions,Extended generalized hypergeometric functions,Fractional integral operators,Integral transforms,Pathway fractional integral operator,


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Similar imageretrieval based on texture feature vector using Local Octal and Local Hexadecimal Pattern and comparison with Local Binary Pattern


Nitin Arora, Alaknanda Ashok, Shamik Tiwari



Local binary patterns (LBP) is a very powerful texture feature of an image. Many variants of LBP models are available and almost all of the derived models are based on the idea to calculate the difference of each central pixel in the 3×3 neighborhood matrix. Based on this difference is positive or negative, we replace neighborhood pixel intensity with 1 or 0 respectively and then convert obtained 0 and 1 pattern into a decimal value. In this paper, we propose modification of this idea, instead of using local binary pattern, local octal and local hexadecimal pattern is used. Local octal pattern (LOP) and the local hexadecimal pattern(LHP) is further tested on two different datasets of 100 images each of sizes 150 x 150 and the obtained results are compared with the state-of-art local binary pattern. For similarity measure, Euclidian distance and Manhattan distance is used. Results show that local octal pattern is superior over local hexadecimal pattern and the local binary pattern is superior over both local octal pattern and local hexadecimal pattern.


Feature extraction,local binary pattern,texture feature,content based image retrieval,pixel,pixel intensity,


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Harmonic Filtering in PV connected AC loads


Ehtasham UlHaq, Jawad Ali, Waleed Jan, Muhammad AamirAman, Mehr E Munir



It is a known fact the power crisis has literally crippled many nations and slowed them down from keeping up with the technological reforms in every field in order to solve he power issue, different renewable energy system are being analyzed and implemented that can be contributed to the power shortage. Since most of the industrial and residential electrical equipment using AC power to operate, these renewable energy systems must have a converter to transform DC power to AC power in attempt of doing, the system is subjected to high frequency harmonics due to converters, which can be degrade system performance. This research intends to find out an effective solution to reduce the high frequency harmonics by designing and implementing filters in solar cell driven AC loads.


Harmonics,AC loads,Filters,Frequency,Renewable Energy,Solar PV,


I. A. H. Alami, Effects of evaporative cooling on efficiency of
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Factors affecting Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Churn in Pakistan Telecommunication Services Market


Yasser Khan, Shahryar Shafiq, Sheeraz Ahmed, Nadeem Safwan, Mehr-e-Munir, Alamgir Khan



Telecommunication quality of service and customer satisfaction are the importantdecisive factors responsible for shifting of loyalties and increase profitability to the face the fierce competition in Pakistan telecommunication market comprised of 154 million cellular subscribers with 73.85% Teledensity. This paper intend to determine relationship among these variables and their impact on customer switching to another operator which has also become global phenomena. The analysis is conducted on primary data collected that is randomly sampled. The results clearly indicate the strong positive relations of value added services on service quality & customer satisfaction and strongly negative relationship with customer propensity to churn in Pakistan Telecom Environment. Resultantly, the customer churn can easily be controlled by providing enhance quality of voice, robust and reliable connectivity, better complaint management, customer care, and value added services with adequate features.


Service quality,Customer Satisfaction,Customer Churn,Customer Loyalty,


I. Abbas Al-Refaie, Murad Al-Tarawneh, Nour Bata “ study of customer
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Techno-economic planning with different topologies of Fiber to the Home access networks with Gigabit Passive Optical Network technologies


Abid Naeem, Shahryar Shafique, Sheeraz Ahmad, Nadeem Safwan, Sabir Awan, Fahim Khan



The Optical Network is considered an important asset to any telecom operator. One of the most critical issues to the operators is how they can minimize the deployment cost and maximize the Return of Investments (ROI) by optimizing the operational costs in the optical network. Deployment of future-proof access networks requires new infrastructure and new equipment and, on top of it, raises many questions regarding the costs and risks associated with the technology, telecommunications market, and legal regulations of these networks. This paper presents the techno-economic analysis of the planning of FTTH access network topologies with GPON technologies that includes a series of scenarios in combination with tree, eye and tree topologies of eye and architectures Home-Run and GPON. In order to get realistic results, the techno-economic study has been applied to different urban areas in the city of Peshawar, capital of KPK. Cost/benefit analysis is performed in order to determine the most influential parameters and give general guidelines for the deployment of new-generation optical access networks in different environments. Analysis also shows that the price for new services that a customer needs to pay is competitive in the market today. Today, the service providers seek penetrate the telecommunications market with more advanced plans and complex network designs to reach a greater number of users and expand the range of services that offer. This is where FTTH networks along with technology GPON play an important role, as they meet this challenge. In this work, we present a FTTH network with GPON technology, the parameters related to the main conduit and network Elements (NE) connected to the Splice points (SP), among other aspects. Combining these topologies with their respective architectures would help the network planners to reduce the planning time of this type of networks and investment costs.


Fiber to the Home,Access Network Topologies,Home-Run and Gigabit Passive Optical Network architectures,


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An Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling using BAT Algorithm for Cloud Computing


Arif Ullah, Umeriqbal, Ijaz Ali Shoukat, Abdul Rauf, O Y Usman, Sheeraz Ahmed, Zeeshan Najam



Cloud computing is new style of technology the demand of end user increase day by day it cases more energy consumption.Energy consumption directly connected with the utilization of resource .Batter resource management reduce energy system in the network for that reason in this paper BATalgorithm implement for load balancing technique with different parameter it result compare with ABC algorithm. By implementing BAT algorithm in VM policy it reduces 3% of energy consumption in the network. This result can be achieved by implementing proper load balancing technique due to that it can reduce energy management system in cloud computing.


Cloud computing,Energy Management System,Virtualmachine,loadbalancing,Energy Consumption,


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