
If Space and Time are the Necessary Conditions for Sustaining the Universe, then, Mass and Energy are the Sufficient Conditions for the Universe. One Condition can be Smoothly Transformed into the Other Conditions and Vice Versa


Prasenjit Debnath



Space and time are the necessary conditions for sustaining the Universe whereas mass and energy are the sufficient conditions for sustaining the Universe. All conditions are in almost balanced state but not in absolute balanced state. Little imbalance is maintained by the Universe to sustain the Universe as the way it is now. That is why, the Universe is almost peaceful, but not absolute peaceful. Only we can attain an absolute peaceful Universe by stopping the time in the forward direction (positive direction, the way it is now). The rate of change of anything in time is called evolution. If time stops running, everything will be at absolute rest without any evolution. This is a theoretical abstract idea only because it has no practicality or feasibility in the present state of the Universe. Speed is a function of space and time. It can be easily shown that time is a sinusoid and it loses its frequency of oscillations with the interaction with mass which increases time period, which can be termed as time dilation. The time period is extremely large of time, and the peak of the temporal magnitude is extremely low. Thus, frequency is extremely low. This is the reason, there are hardly any differences of time on Earth compare to free space. Even the astronomical body has very negligible effect on the time period or frequency of time. But time period gets larger with effect of mass, thus, time slows down (due to time dilation), which implies that frequency decreases little bit due to the effect of mass on time. Due to the slight variation in magnitude in a very low frequency sinusoid (time), time runs in the forward direction, as it is now in the present Universe. Thus, space and time are the necessary conditions for sustaining the Universe whereas mass and energy are only sufficient conditions for sustaining the Universe, the way it is now. All these four entities are the key for the Universe to get the present shape, the way it is now. Any change in one condition can lead the Universe to entire different shape with compare to the present shape. Thus, the Universe is at knife edge accuracy but not at absolute accuracy. Any one condition can be smoothly transformed into the others and vice versa.


The space and time,The mass and energy,Time dilation,Low frequency sinusoid,The necessary and sufficient conditions,The knife edge accuracy,


I. Stephen Hawking, “The Beginning of Time”, A Lecture.
II. Roger Penrose, “Cycles of Time”, Vintage Books, London, pp. 50-56.
III. Stephen Hawking, “A Briefer History of Time”, Bantam Books, London, pp.
IV. Stephen Hawking, “Black holes and Baby Universes and other essays”,
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Generalized Jordan Right Derivations on Prime and Semiprime 𝚪-Rings


Omar Faruk, Md. Mizanor Rahman



In this paper, we analyzed the basic properties and related theorems of generalized Jordan right derivations on prime and semiprime 𝛤-rings with their mathematical simulation. We mainly focused on the characterizations of 2 free prime and semiprime 𝛤-rings by using Jordan Right Derivations. Important propositions and theorems related to generalized Jordan right derivation on prime and semiprime 𝛤-ring have been derived here with sufficient calculations. Our main objective is to prove the theorem that if 𝑀 be a 2-torsion free 𝛤-ring having a commutator right non-Zero divisor which satisfies the condition 𝑎𝛼𝑏𝛽𝑐 = 𝑎𝛽𝑏𝛼𝑐 for all 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 ∈ 𝑀 and 𝛼, 𝛽 ∈ 𝛤and if𝐷: 𝑀 → 𝑀 be a generalized Jordan right derivation and 𝑑: 𝑀 → 𝑀 be its associated Jordan right derivation then 𝐷 is a generalized right derivation on 𝑀.


Γ-Rings,Prime Γ-Rings,Semiprime Γ-Rings,Generalized Derivation,Generalized right derivation,Generalized Jordan Right Derivation,


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Corrosion Protect of Brass Tubes Heat Exchanger by using CuO Nanocoating with Thermal Pyrolysis Techniques


Hussein Y. Mahmood, Khalid A. Sukkar, Wasan K. Mikhelf



In this paper, thermal pyrolysis nanocoating technique was used to coat the brass alloy (grade B-111) of heat exchanger that used in Midland Refineries Company- Iraq. The nanocoating specifications and surface characterization have been made by using many measuring techniques; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). From AFM results, it was observed that the particle size of nanocoated brass substrate was 70 nm. From XRD results it was showed high crystalline thin films. On the other hand, the SEM results showed good smooth surface morphology films. The corrosion behavior of with and without nanocoated brass tubes achieved by study the open circuit potential, corrosion current density and corrosion potential which are used to determine the corrosion rates in 3.5M of sodium chloride solution. The results indicated that nanocoated substrate showed insignificant weight losses in comparison to that of uncoated substrate. So minimum weight loss with CuO nanocoating with thermal pyrolysis technique at 0.04M was 2.5*10-2 mm/year.


Heat exchangers,Petroleum refinery,corrosion,Nano-coating,


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On Robustness of Kernel Principal Component Analysis using Fast HCS


Lekaa Ali Muhamed, Hayder Yahya mohammed



When dealing with multivariate data with higher dimensions, we often use principal component analysis (PCA) to lessen the dimensions, but in the case of nonlinear data it is not possible to deal with classic estimated because of obtaining misleading results and therefore using kernel methods , when data contain outliers the results of the kernel pca (KPCA) for correlation matrix or variance covariance matrix are inaccurate. The aim of this research is to employ Robust KPCA (RKPCA) to solve nonlinear data using kernel function and outlier observation using Robust method termed as FastHCS (High-dimensional Congruent Subsets) that stands for a robust PCA algorithm appropriate for high-dimensional appliances to know the most effect variables on the phenomenon.


High-dimensional data,outlier detection,kernel principal component analysis(KPCA),FastHCS (High-dimensional Congruent Subsets),


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Internet of Things – IOT Interoperability and Challenges


Muhammad Jawad Hamid Mughal, Mohammad Faisal, Mehr E Munir



Internet of things is a concept that associate world with tech-systems to communicate in a manner that is easy and automated. Over past decade the idea became true focus for researchers and industrial domains. IOT is a technology of future that is rapidly growing every day with perceptions, providing humans control and update of things. The awareness of devices interaction and communication is coming from years but still struggling to be accepted by industries and organization due to lack of standardization. This study addresses IOT platforms limitations and interoperability challenges through reviewing scholarly papers. Also internet of things history and cloud computing role in IOT are briefly described.


Internet of Things,Interoperability,Cross domain,Framework,RFID,


I. A. Gyrard, C. Bonnet, K. Boudaoud and M. Serrano, “Assisting IoT Projects
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D. Subba Rao, S. Priyanka, Hyma durga, Jaidul islam



Wireless communication is simply data communication without the use of landlines. This may include cell phone, two-way radio, fixed remote (broadband remote), laser (free space optics) or satellite correspondences. Portable remote innovations are going to go about as paste towards uniting the wired and remote to share and appropriate data consistently over one another's territories of reference. The paper right off the bat presents the remote correspondences and after that changes to fourth era in remote interchanges. The paper at that point talks about High Altitude Airships, the "STRATELLITES" which are really unmanned Kelvar inflatables loaded up with helium which are utilized rather than towers for remote correspondence, every one of which supplant several towers and decrease the expense of remote interchanges. They likewise conquer the detriment of straightforward towers which couldn't give appropriate inclusion in the bumpy zones.


Wireless communication,Stratellite,


II. 21st Century Airships, Inc., High Altitude Platforms, at
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IV. TWUF, Broadband Takes to the Skiesrt Techdirt, Get Your Wireless
Broadband By Stratellite,

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The Role of Electronic Currencies in Money Laundering


Teba Majed Hameed



This study investigates money laund erring due to electronic currencies like bitcoin. Currently, electronic currency is a new methodofoutgoings and eachcountryadopts in a different way how to apportion with it. Nonetheless, new technologies offer us new likelihoodsinour life for unspecifieddealings as payments for online shopping andcertainlythey canbeusedinillicit actions as in money launderingand terrorism financing. Moreover, unrecognizability is the foremost characteristics of electronic currency which aids to disappear the income source. This is the problematic issue for developed and developing countries for the reason that they should fight such at hreatas money legalizing and terrorism financing. Consequently, this paper reviews and surveys the methods of these doubtful operations that can be used for money laundering by bitcoins and how to overcome or restrict these unlawful operations technical issues.


Virtual Money Laundry,Bitcoin,Transaction,Financial Monitoring,


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A new model of the universe based on the transition along a straight line


Hassan fallah



Cosmological observations show that the cosmos has almost flat space geometry and is located in a spatial expansion phase. The accelerated expansion of the cosmology has been proven by the observable data. In the framework of standard cosmology, such expansion requires the presence of an unknown dominant energy component called dark energy. Dark energy is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the cosmos and has anti-graphetic effects. The discovery of the nature of dark energy in modern cosmology and the physical theory in the past decade has been a major challenge. Despite the theoretical problems in recognizing dark energy, there are many very strong and independent observational reasons for its presence. In view of the existence of a parallel universe, infinity is bounded infinitely to the infinite direction of the sphere. In general, it can be concluded that the factor of momentum is the momentum moving in the dimension of space. Another result of the existence of parallel universes is the equivalence of the three dimensions of space, and not only from the far side, we can imagine a three dimensional object two dimensional, or even one-dimensional, or even a point, but in reality it is the same. A new model of the universe that justifies the transition of the entire cosmos along a straight line. This transition movement has begun since the start of the Big Bang and has continued along with the expansionary and infinite expansion of the universe. The straight line is the height of a cone to the inside of the x-axis and to move this transition inside this cone from the x-axis to its base.


Big Bang,Modern cosmology theory,Inflation,Transition,


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Medium term electric load forecasting using Lancsoz Bidiagonalization with singular value decomposition


Ghufran Ullah, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Kamran Khan, Izhar ulHaq, Mehr E Munir



The term forecast stands for predictions of future events and conditions. The process of making such predictions is called forecasting. The main purpose of forecasting is to meet future requirements, reduce unexpected cost and provide a potential input to decision making regarding electrical power production and dispatch. In operating a power system, the mission of the utility/company, from the forecasting point of view, is to match demand for electric energy with available supply. This leads to the fact that a major objective of any power company is accurately predicting future loads. In this research, medium term electrical load forecasting for Peshawar region is studied using Lanczos Bidiagonalization with Singular Value Decomposition. Here, electrical hourly loads are processed in three steps. A polynomial fit is performed to access the non-linear trend of the hourly loads of each year. This is followed by applying the SVD method to the difference between the hourly loads and their trend. SVD serves to extract both the cyclic and the random components of the numerical data. Finally, prediction is done using matrix completion via Lanczos Bidiagonalization.


electrical load forecasting,Lanczos Bidiagonalization,SVD method,


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Design of Over-burden CDMA Crossbar for Network-On-Chip


Sudhakar Alluri, Mamatha Boini



On-chip interconnects are the exhibition bottleneck in current framework onchips. Code-division numerous entrance (CDMA) has been proposed to actualize onchip crossbars because of its fixed inertness, decreased intervention overhead, and higher data transfer capacity. In this paper, we advance over-burden CDMA interconnect (OCI) to improve the limit of CDMA arrange on-chip (NoC) crossbars by expanding the quantity of usable spreading codes. Sequential OCI and P-OCI design variations are introduced to cling to various region, postponement, and power necessities. Contrasted and the customary CDMA crossbar, on a Xilinx Artix-7 AC701 FPGA pack, the sequential OCI crossbar accomplishes 100% higher transfer speed, 31% less asset usage, and 45% power sparing, while the parallel OCI crossbar accomplishes N times higher data transmission contrasted and the sequential OCI crossbar to the detriment of expanded zone and power utilization. Further to build the speed of OCI crossbar we are actualizing Han Carlson viper instead of parallel snake engineering. This sort of augmentation brings about High speed P-OCI and sequential OCI contrast with proposed P-OCI and sequential OCI models individually.


Highspeed,Delay,Code division multipleaxes interconnect Network on chip (NOC) NOC Physical,


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