Journal Vol – 14 No -4, August 2019

The Constructive Implementation of New Applications of Fuzzy Languages and Fuzzy Automata Ƒ * – Pure Semi groups for Generating Theorems


M. Suresh Babu, E. Keshava Reddy



Introducing the idea of Ƒ* - pure semi group and shows that a semi group ‘S ‘is regular and Ƒ* - pure iff ' S ′ is a semi lattice of groups. Also shows with the purpose of a semi group' S ′ be Ƒ* - pure iff S3 is a semi lattice of groups. Additionally, learning the group congruence’s as well as semi lattice congruence’s on such a semi group and give a number of properties of fuzzy congruence’s on Ƒ* - pure semi groups. A nonempty set X, a fuzzy subset of X is, by definition, an arbitrary mapping A: X → [0,1], where [0,1] is the usual interval of real numbers. The important concept of fuzzy automata set position onwards by Zadeh [I]. Has opened up keen insights and applications in a wide range of scientific fields. It offers tools and a new approach to model imprecision and uncertainty present in phenomena that do not have sharp boundaries. Since then, a series of research on fuzzy automata sets has come out expounding the importance of the concept and its applications to logic, set theory, algebra theory, real analysis, topology, etc. [III]. Fleck A. C. used the notion of a fuzzy subsets of a set to introduce the notion of fuzzy group of a group, Rosenfeld’s paper motivated the development of fuzzy algebras [X]. Following the formulation of fuzzy subgroups by Rosenfeld, Dib introduced the concept of a fuzzy automata space as a replacement for the concept of universal set in the ordinary case. Recently, some basic concepts of fuzzy algebras such as fuzzy homomorphism’s were introduced and discussed by using the new approach of fuzzy space and fuzzy automata groups introduced. In this paper we introduce concepts of fuzzy automata inverse semi groups and redefine fuzzy automata inverse sub-semi groups using the concept of fuzzy spaces introduced by K. A. Dib [II].


Ƒ* - pure semi groups,Sequences,Group fuzzy congruence’s,Lattice Groups and fuzzy sub groups,


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Impact of Jelly Fish Attackonthe Performance of DSR Routing Protocol in MANETs


Muhammad Sajjad, Khalid Saeed, Tariq Hussain, ArbabWaseem Abbas, Irshad Khalil, Iqtidar Ali, Nida Gul



Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) could be setup frequently without the need of pre-established infrastructure. The nodes in MANETs are free to move and they can join as well as leave the network. Due to the dynamic nature of nodes in MANETs, routing protocols in MANET are extremely vulnerable to different security attacks. Like other different security attacks, Jellyfish attack is one of the most dangerous attacks in MANETs environment and it degrades the overall performance. In such type of attack, the packets reached its destination but take more time and hence it is difficult to detect such attack. In this research paper, we have analyzed the performance of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) routing protocol in the presence of Jellyfish attack. To evaluate the performance we have created different scenarios having various number of Jellyfish attacks in MANETs environment. From the simulation result, it has been observed that Jellyfish attack significantly degrades the performance of DSR protocol in terms of end to end delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio. Moreover it has also been observed that when the number of Jellyfish attacks increases in the network then the performance is further degraded. In this research OPNET Modeler 14.5 simulator has been used in order to assess the performance of Jellyfish attack in MANETs environment.


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,Dynamic Source Routing,Jellyfish Attack,Security Issues,


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Performance Evaluation of All-Optical OFDM System- Based Optical Frequency Comb Source


Yousif Ibrahim Hammadi, TahreerSafa’a Mansour



In this paper, design and investigation of all-opticalorthogonal frequency division multiplexing (AO-OFMD) system using an optical frequency comb (OFC) source is presented. AnOFC source by cascading a frequency modulator (FM) and two intensity modulators is used as a multi-carrier’s generator to provide optically OFDM subcarriers. This OFC source can be provided a maximum comb lines number of 61 lines spaced by 25 GHz. The AO-OFDM scheme employed 31 and 51 comb lines can transmit a signal at a data rate of 1.55 and 2.55 Tbit/s, respectively. Numerical results are carried out using VPI transmission Maker® commercial software.


All-optical OFDM,Terabit per second (Tbit/s),Opticalfrequency comb source,Error vector magnitude (EVM),Eye diagram,


I. A. Hammoodi, L. Audah, and M. A. Taher, “Green Coexistence f Waveform Candidates: A Review,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 10103-2019
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A Survey on Facial Recognition System


Morooj K. Luiabi, Faisel Gh. Mohammed



Facial recognition stands for an imperative area of interest to serve various applications such as security, verification of bank identities, identification of wanted persons at airports, etc. Therefore, it is employed for real time application. Consequently, reliability stands for significant matter for security. Facial recognition system is deal with two different application scenarios, one of which is called "identification" and the other of which is called "verification" anew face can be classifying either "known" or "unknown", after comparing it with stored identified persons. The complete process of facial recognition system done in three phase, detection the face, extraction the features of the face and recognition to recognize this face. Various techniques are then required for these three phases. Also these techniques differ from different other surrounding factors for example, face orientation, expression, illumination and background. In this review also highpoints the most frequently databases that existing as a standard to be utilized for facial recognition investigations like, AR Database, ORL, FERET, and Yale Database.


Face detection,Features extraction,Face recognition,Face Database,


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Medical Image Fusion based on Hybrid Algorithms for Neuro cysticercosis and Neoplastic Disease Analysis


B. Rajalingam, R. Priya, R. Bhavani



A Neuro cysticercosis is avoidable parasitic infection caused by larval cysts of the pork tapeworm. The larval cysts can affect different parts of the human organs causing a condition known as cysticercosis which can direct to seizures it is called neuro cysticercosis. A neoplasm is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain, also known as a tumor which causes growth of tumor triggered by DNA mutations within your cells. The neoplastic disease causes two types of tumor growth. The benign tumors usually grow which grow slowly and cannot spread to other tissues are called as noncancerous growth. The Malignant brain tumors grow quickly and spread to multiple tissues, organs are known as cancerous growth. In spite of huge progresses, still there is no single modality which can represent all aspects of the human body. In this paper a novel method has been proposed for Dual tree complex wavelet Transform (DTCWT) with Non-subsampled shearlet transform (NSST) hybrid fusion algorithm. The developed fusion algorithm is experienced on the pilot study datasets of patients affected with Neurocysticercosis and neoplastic diseases. The fused image conveys the superior description of the information than the source images. Experimental results are evaluated by the number of well-known performance evaluation metrics.


Multimodality medical image,Neoplastic,Neurocyticercosis,CT,MRI,SPECT,DTCWT and NSST,


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XV. Rajalingam., R.Priya., Review of Multimodality Medical Image Fusion Using
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XVI. Rajalingam., R.Priya., A Novel approach for Multimodal Medical Image
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XVII. Rajalingam., R.Priya., Combining Multi-Modality Medical Image Fusion
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XXIII. Satishkumar S. Chavan, Abhishek Mahajan, Sanjay N. Talbar, Subhash
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Neurocomputing, Elsevier, 2017

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Active Coplanar Wave guide Fed Switchable Multimode Antenna Design and Analysis


Amulya Boyina, Praveen Kumar Kancherla



This article presents the design of reconfigurable multiband antenna fed by coplanar waveguide feeding using commercially available pin diodes. The designed antenna covers S-band, Wi-MAX C-Band, X-band applications. A detail study was performed to characterize the switching operation by considering the wire bound effects. By loading the TSIR (T-shaped stepped impedance resonator) and PSLR (parallel stub loaded resonator) in the circular ring, resonating characteristics are observed. The resonating frequencies of the antenna are 3.26 GHz, 4.16 GHz, 8.04 GHz and 8.9 GHz respectively. The current antenna shows the maximum gain of 5.94 dB at 8.04 GHz. The proposed antenna shows good impedance characteristics, low profile and compact size, which is suitable for wireless communication applications.


TSIR (T-shaped Stepped impedance resonator),PSLR (Parallel Stub loaded resonator),


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Numerical Simulation of the effect of simple and T-shaped dikes on turbulent flow field and sediment scour/deposition around diversion intakes


Sepehr Mortazavi Farsani, Najaf Hedayat, Nelia sadeghi Khoveigani



The interaction of flow patterns with the movements of live bed of natural channels is a complex 3D process which requires precise investigation in different scenarios to be fully understood. This study effort to investigate the flow patterns and its effect on the formation of scour holes and deposition stacks in the vicinity of a diversion channel entrance considering the presence of a single dike with various lengths normal to flow and different simple and T-shaped models. Results indicated that Dike shape and its length normal to flow significantly affects the ratio of diverted discharge, volume of sediment transport into the diversion channel, and volume and depth of the scour holes as well as the shape, height and location of the formation of the deposition stack. Increasing the length of wing for the T-shaped dikes could decrease the depth and span of the scour holes efficiently as well reducing the dimensions of deposition stack to form out of the diversion channel.


T-shaped dikes,turbulent flow field,sediment scour,diversion intakes,


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Applications of Fractal and Quasi Fractal Geometries in Slot Antenna Design: A Review


Seevan F. Abdulkareem, Yaqeen S. Mezaal



Fractals stand for unique geometries that can be nice-looking for microwave circuit scholars. Latest expansions in wireless communication systems have been caused different experiments to manufacture high-grade diminished components. These experiments motivate microwave circuits and antennas engineers to look for solutions by examining diverse fractal structures. Nonetheless, there are several relevant limits of fractal antennas involving geometric restrictions, low gain, fractal orders and design complexity. These limits are feasibly solved by restructuring methods as in fractal reconfiguration and like pre-fractal structures. These methods have been known as semi or quasi-fractals that can be applied to antenna design without endless scale. Accordingly, quasi-fractal geometry with limited orders or iterations can be exploited for a specific dual/multiband antenna based on a particular fractal iteration. In this study, the unique properties of fractal geometries will be presented together with the most commonly used fractal geometries applied in the slot antenna design. In this respect, the application of fractal geometries in the slot antenna design can be classified into two categories. In the first category, the fractal geometry is applied directly such that it constitutes the whole slot structure, while in the second one; the fractal geometry is applied indirectly. In this case, there is a slot structure with Euclidean shape, such as triangle, square…etc., and fractal geometry has to replace each line segment in this structure. In addition, slotting processes by fractal or semi fractals in the ground plane of antenna substrates to produce dual or multiband or even wideband response have been discussed in this review paper.


fractal geometries,slot antenna design,slot structure,wideband response,


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Active Quad band Antenna Design for Wireless Medical and Satellite Communication Applications


Kumaraswamy Gajula, Amulya Boyina, Praveen Kumar Kancherla3



In this article, CPW fed circular slotted frequency reconfigurable antenna of 32mmx24mm applicable to multiband operations is designed and presented. It covers Medical wireless communication WiMAX (3.03-3.8GHz), (5.1-5.5GHz) WLAN, Cband (6.5-7.16GHz) and X-band (9.4-12.5GHz) for radio astronomy, space research and satellite applications. Resonating characteristics are realized by loading the two stage T-shaped stepped impedance resonator (TS-TSIR) in the circular ring and cross strip on the feed line. Frequency reconfiguration is achieved by switching action four PIN diodes placing at the circular slot. Maximum gain of 6.39dB at 10.7GHz is achieved.


TS-TSIR (two-stage T-shaped Stepped impedance resonator),CPW (coplanar waveguide),Cross strip,


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XI. K.Praveen Kumar, “Circularly Polarization of Edge-Fed Square Patch
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XII. K.Praveen Kumar, “Triple Band Edge Feed Patch Antenna; Design and
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XIII. K.Praveen Kumar, Dr. Habibulla Khan “Optimization of EBG structure
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XX. M. Ajay Babu, P. Farhana Banu, G. Harsha Sai Teja, P. Prashanth, K. L.
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XXI. M Ajay Babu, M Venkateswara Rao, Design and Analysis of Stepped
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XXIII. T V Ramakrishna, N Kiran, B Sravani, N Vamsi and K L Yamini,
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XXVI. Yuvraj Baburao Dhanade, K Sreelakshmi, Pronami Bora, Mona Mudliar,
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Intelligent Home Automation System Using BitVoicer


Muhammad Aamir Aman, Muhammad Nauman Naeem, Ali Shahab, Fazl e Jamil, Mehr E Munir



Home automation system (HAS) finds its applications and become popular worldwide now a days. It makes the life easier and flexible and also guarantees a security to the user. HAS has the capability to control the home appliances such as fans, light etc. That is operated at 230 V A.C. These appliances can be controlled through a simple voice command. HAS gives the feedback to the user and hence a virtual environment has been created between them. This virtual environment feels to the user and he is talking to the other person. This concept is not popular in developing nations as compared to the developed because of its cost. This is decision based interative system so these are heavily coded. The proposed methodology gives the VCHAS based on ZigBee and Wi-Fi network both are incorporated through a joint gateway. The attempt to control the appliances without any physical efforts by the user makes the approach more dependable, friendly and interactive, makes it more authentic and realistic in nature.


Home Automation,BitVoicer,Zigbee,Wifi,Home appliances,


I. Abhay Kumar, Neha Tiwari “Efficient smart home automation system”
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJESR) vol.3
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II. *1Muhammad Aamir Aman, 2Hamza Umar Afridi, 3Muhammad
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