Journal Vol – 14 No -3, June 2019

Enhanced Cyber security for Software Applications


Sivaram Rajeyyagari



Every website developed with web technologies. Security is most widely needed for every website. Cyber security is one of the important prevention for websites. This will protect web applications from various attacks. Many attacks are there such as server attacks, DOS attack, data attack and other types of attacks. This will damage the server and social networking sites to disturb the user data. Various drawbacks are addressed in providing security and privacy. To solve these issues, enhanced cyber security is introduced and provided advanced cyber security for web applications and also for servers. The performance of the proposed system is show in results


Cyber security,cyber crime,cyber ethics,social media,


I.A. Avancini, M. Ceccato, “Towards Security Testing with Taint Analysis and Genetic Algorithms”, ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, vol. 5, pp.65-71, 2010.
II.L. K. Shar, H. B. K. Tan, “Automated removal of cross site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications”, Inf. Softw. Technol., vol. 54, pp. 467-478, 2012.
III.L. S. Shar, H. B. K. Tan, L. C. Briand, “Mining SQL injection and cross site scripting vulnerabilities using hybrid program analysis”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE ’13), pp. 642-651, 2013.
IV.Marashdih Abdalla Wasef, “ZaabaZarulFitri Cross Site Scripting Detection Approaches in Web Application”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications., vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 155-160, 2016.
V.Meijunjin, “An Approach For Sql Injection Vulnerability Detection”, 2009 Sixth International Conference On Information Technology: New Generations IEEE, pp.1411-1414.
VI.R. Kumar, “Mitigating the authentication vulnerabilities in Web applications through security requirements”, Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), vol. 60,pp. 651-663, 2011.
VII.S. Ali, S.K. Shahzad, H. Javed, “SQLIPA: An Authentication Mechanism Against SQL Injection”, European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 604-611, 2009.
VIII.S. J. Sadana, N. Selam, “Analysis of Cross Site Scripting Attack”, Proc. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1764-1773, 2011.
IX.Tajpour Atefeh, Maslin Masrom, Mohammad Zaman Heydari, Suhaimi Ibrahim, “SQL injection detection and prevention tools assessment”, Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT) 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference, vol. 9, pp. 518-522, 2010.
X.Yang Haixia, Nan Zhihong, “A Database Security Testing Scheme Of Web Application”, 4th International Conference On Computer Science And Education, pp. 953-955, 2009.
XI.Y. Li, Z. Wang, T. Guo, “Reflected XSS Vulnerability Analysis”, International Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems (IRJCSIS), vol. 2, pp.25-33, 2013.
XII.YongJoonPark, JaeChul Park, “Web Application Intrusion Detection System For Input Validation Attack”, Third 2008 International Conference On Convergence And Hybrid Information Technology IEEE, pp. 498-504.
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The Stable Envelope of Gamma Modules


Mehdi S.Abbas, Balsam M.Hamad



Presume R represents commutative -ring with identity and each R modules is worked on as unitary R modules. We expand in this paper the notion of the stable extension from the modules theory to that of gamma modules. We have studied the stable envelope S(M) of R - module M, and study the relation istween stable envelope, injective envelope E(M) and quasi-injective envelope Q(M) in the gamma modules, we obtain some results on S(M) where we have shown that S(M) is equal to 􀵣𝑎𝑛𝑛􀯋􀳨𝐸(𝑀):􀯋 𝑎𝑛𝑛􀯋􀳨 (𝑁)􀵧M , in case M represents Г − multiplication gamma modules.


injective gamma module,quasi-injective gamma module,fully stable gamma module,Г−multiplication Г−moduleI.Abbas.M. S, On fully stable module, Ph. D. thesis, University of Baghdad (1990). II. Balsam m. Hamad, Some remarks on fully stable gamma modules, to appear . III.Abbas .M. S,Saad .S. A, Shallal .E. A, Injective gamma module, Annals of pure and applied mathematics, vol.12, No.185-94, (2016). IV.Ameri .R, and R. Sudeghi, Gamma modules, Ration mathematica 20 (2010), 127-147. V.Abd Al-Hussain. H, Projective gamma modules and some related notions, Ph.D. Thesis ,Univ. of Mustansiriyah, (2017). VI.Barnes .W. E, On the ring of Nabusuwa, Pacin the case ofic J. math. 18 (1966)m 411-422. VII.Estaji.A. A, A. As. Estaji, A. S. Khorasani, S. Baghdari, On multiplication Γ – modules, Ratio mathematica 26 (2014), 21-38. VIII.X. Ma and J.zhan , Some characterizations of regular and semisimple -rings, kyungpook Math.j.,50(2010),pp.411-417. IX.Nobusuwa .N, on a generalization of the ring theory, Osaka J. Math, 1 (1964), 81-89. ,


I.Abbas.M. S, On fully stable module, Ph. D. thesis, University of Baghdad (1990).

II. Balsam m. Hamad, Some remarks on fully stable gamma modules, to appear .

III.Abbas .M. S,Saad .S. A, Shallal .E. A, Injective gamma module, Annals of pure and applied mathematics, vol.12, No.185-94, (2016).

IV.Ameri .R, and R. Sudeghi, Gamma modules, Ration mathematica 20 (2010), 127-147.

V.Abd Al-Hussain. H, Projective gamma modules and some related notions, Ph.D. Thesis ,Univ. of Mustansiriyah, (2017). VI.Barnes .W. E, On the ring of Nabusuwa, Pacin the case ofic J. math. 18 (1966)m 411-422.

VII.Estaji.A. A, A. As. Estaji, A. S. Khorasani, S. Baghdari, On multiplication Γ – modules, Ratio mathematica 26 (2014), 21-38.

VIII.X. Ma and J.zhan , Some characterizations of regular and semisimple -rings, kyungpook Math.j.,50(2010),pp.411-417.

IX.Nobusuwa .N, on a generalization of the ring theory, Osaka J. Math, 1 (1964), 81-89.

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The Usage of Chip Mental Arithmetic in The Topic of Addition and Subtraction for The Whole Number Combination in Year 1


R. N. Farah, K. Jayalakshmi



This research is done to establish the usage of the Chip Mental Arithmetic for the teaching of the addition and subtraction in the whole number combination for Year 1 pupils. Besides that, it also to find out the level of efficiency in the usage of this Chip together with its module based on the performance of the Year 1 pupilson the topics mentioned above. The method used is inference analysis. After using the Mental Arithmetic Number Chip together with its module, it showed the significant differences in the Pre and Post test. The respondents of this project are Year 1 pupils of a school in Selangor who were divided into two groups, the experimental and experimental groups. The data were analyzed by using t-test to determine the differences between pupils of the control group and the experimental group. The findings showed a significant difference of 11.89 with the value [t = 2.084., p <0.05] between the pre and post test for the control group and 51.32 with [t = 2.175, p <0.05] between the pre test and post test for the experimental group. The findings of this research should reflect the usage of this Chip Mental Arithmetic as teaching aids and materials in the classroom, plays as an essential role in enhancing the performance of year 1 pupils as they learn the


chip mental arithmetic,addition, subtraction, whole number, teaching tools,


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Evaluation of Optimal Edge Detection Operator for Localization of License Plate of Vehicles with Different Orientations


ArbabWaseem Abbas, Khalid Saeed, Safdar Nawaz Khan Marwat, Sahibzada AbdurRehmanAbid, Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan, Sadiq Shah



The research conducted in this paper proposes the digital image processing approach for localization of license plate from entire image of vehicle with different angles and evaluation of the best edge detection operator in extraction of license plate. The license plate localization has vast applications in system automation, recognition and security. In this research, firstly database is developed by capturing/collecting images of 50 vehicle with different angles. Secondly in proposed technique, different edge detection operators i.e. Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt and Canny have been applied in boundary line based extraction. Thirdly results are evaluated, which showed that in proposed model Sobel operator outperforms other edge detection operators in localization of license plate and revealed the experimental results of Sobel 90%, Prewitt 85%, Roberts 40% and Canny 10% for 50images.


Edge Detection Operators, License Plate Localization,Boundary Line Based Extraction.,


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A Comprehensive Analysis of Cyber Security Attacks in Virtual Organizations with their Mitigation Plans


Khalid Saeed, Rohi Tariq, Wajeeha Khalil, Sheeraz Ahmed, Malik Taimur Ali, Farrukh Hassan, M.Naeem Khan Khattak



Virtual Organization (VO) allows organizations to exchange and share resources among each other as well as they can work in collaboration. Within the VO the workers can be from different organizations and they can have different affiliation. VO offers a different model of communication among enterprises. The communication in VO is based on information and communication technology. The workers of VO communicate and perform activities using the cyber infrastructure. Since VO involves the use of cyber infrastructure which is vulnerable to different possible security attacks and these security attacks can have different consequences. This research identifies the possible vulnerabilities to VO, evaluates different security attacks as well as their consequences and mitigation plan. Moreover at the end there are some proposed guidelines to VO administrators and users to improve the security of VOs. This research paper is the extension of our previous research work.


Virtual Organization,Vulnerabilities,Security Attacks,Security Issues,


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Pairing-free Partially Blind Message Recovery Signature Scheme with Application To Online e-Cash Payment System


Salome James, P. Vasudeva Reddy



Blind signature plays a significant role in practical applications such as ecash and e-voting systems, where anonymity is of great importance. A partially blind signature enables a signer to explicitly incorporate a pre-agreed common information into a blind signature without the loss of blindness property. In recent years, many cryptographic researchers have made substantial progress in the design of blind signature schemes. In order to improve the efficiency, in this paper, we propose a new pairing free partially blind signature scheme with message recovery in the identity-based frame work. The proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable with the assumption that the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) is hard. We compare our scheme to the well known existing identity-based partially blind signature schemes. With pairing free realization and the message recovery features, the proposed scheme is more efficient in terms of computation and communication point of view. Finally, we present an electronic-cash payment system based on our PF-IDPBS-MR scheme.


Digital signatur,Partially Blind signatu,ECDL, ID-based Cryptography,Message Recovery,E-cash,


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Comparison IFOC Scheme of Three Phase Optimal 63 Level Multilevel Inverter Connected Induction Motor using FLC and ANFIS


Mr. Bolla Madhusudana Reddy, Y.V.Siva Reddy , M.Vijaya Kumar



This paper proposes initially an optimal structured single phase 63 level Multi level Inverter-(MLI) with Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation-(SPWM) and it can be extended to three phase 63 level MLI which is built with three individual single phase 63 level MLIs connected in star form and later it is fed to three phase star winding induction motor drive. The proposed MLI generates more number of levels with minimum switches, DC sources, low switching losses and reduced THD while compared with traditional MLIs. In the next subsequent case indirect field Oriented Control (IFOC) method is implemented through fuzzy Logic Controller-((FLC) of optimal 63 level MLI feeding induction motor(IM) drive for checking speed of motor, sudden load variation, parameters changes. Later the same method of AC drive tested with Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) which gives better performance than AC drive with FLC. The proposed optimal MLI fed IM drive with IFOC gives improved performance using ANFIS in view of its high-quality dynamic performance and minimum THD.




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Face Recognition using Deep Neural Networks


Amirhosein Dastgiri, Pouria Jafarinamin, Sami Kamarbaste, Mahdi Gholizade



Face recognition is one of the most important issues in the machine vision, which has many applications in the industry and other issues related to the vision of the machine. There are many algorithms in the field of machine learning to detect facial expressions. In recent years, deep neural networks are one of the areas of research. Because of its excellent performance, this technique is widely used in face recognition. Facial features are useful for a variety of tasks, and the application of deep neural network is very fast. In this paper, a method for recognition of facial expressions is presented using the features of the deep neural network. A deep neural network is used to summarize images and classify them. The proposed model focuses on identifying the faces of a person from a single image. The work algorithm is a multilayer neural network with a deep learning concept. The results show that in some cases, the recognition rate is very high.


face mode,deep neural network,deep learning,


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Adopting Modern Energy Conservation Measures to Enhance Building Energy Efficiency


M. Yousaf Ali Khan, Imran Abbas, Shahid Atiq, Sheeraz Ahmed, AmadUd Din, Muhammad Fahad



Energy efficiency has been an immense importance in worldwide particularly in large educational institutes which are often left unnoticed as a contributor to energy consumers in Pakistan. The institute budget for energy cost has assumed to be the major costs and minimizing the energy bill in a large institute has become a big challenge. The targeted actions can be used to minimize the electricity consumption. The savings on energy provides a chance to reinvest it for the institute. In this work, energy assessment of Government College of Technology (GCT) campus Bhakkar is done to identify potential energy savings and to enhance the awareness, responsiveness for energy conservation amongst the community of the campus. The data about the installed load is collected by visiting each department. This work explained in details of the power consumption of different electrical devices installed in the institute and energy usage by those devices for a month is analysed. The work showed that a significant energy savings up to 50 % is achieved if old electrical devices are replaced with latest Energy conserving devices. Many facts corresponding the ECM devices are also encoded in this work and payback time is computed for the devices. Few basic ECMs are recommended to be followed by the institute which is technically and economically more reasonable. The benefits of implementing the energy efficiency measures in buildings are substantial both in terms of energy savings and cost savings.


Energy Audit, Energy Conservation,Energy Conservation Measure(ECMs) ,


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Fostering Conditions for Innovative Reforms in Public Sector Organizations and Their Response to Artificial Intelligence


Sayyed Khawar Abbas, Muhammad Aftab



The paper is intended to investigate the foster effects of political instability, leadership influence, experimentation and budget constraints responsible for poor performance and feedback from public sector organizations. Keeping in view the purpose of the study, the research framework for the study is descriptive. Firstly, Primary data is collected through questionnaires from individuals engaged with public sector organizations. Secondly, unstructured interviews conducted to explore the effect of Artificial intelligence. Through research analysis, the empirical evidence suggest that the innovation activity is intrigued with important conditions responsible for the performance of public sector organization. Political instability suggested negative significance while others have demonstrated positive significance concerning innovation reforms. Artificial Intelligence also demonstrates a strong scope for future public sector organizations. In the following research framework, the data is based on the judgments of employees engaged with public sector organizations. The responses are individual self-reported and not objective, so there is a fair possibility that response would be biased. Furthermore, the responses are from Pakistan’s main cities which cannot be generalized to various countries. This study focuses on the performance of the public sector organization. A large amount of literature has emerged on the likelihood of innovation reforms for private sector firms over the course of time. This paper is widening the horizon to study the likelihood of innovation reforms for public sector organizations by adhering the innovation culture and identifying important factors which may influence. The paper also provides a base for finding more dimensions to implement innovation reforms and also guide policymakers to execute efficient policies. Furthermore, the study is based on questions covering “what” and “how” dimensions. This type of quantitative study lacks for “why” dimension. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and case analysis could explain more regarding innovation reforms. The research framework is the first attempt to examine the impact of different conditions on the implementation of innovation and Artificial intelligence influence in public sector organizations in Pakistan.


Public sector organizations, Innovation reforms, political instability,leadership influence, experimentation, budget constraints, OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, ICT (Information and communication technology),Artificial Intelligence,


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