Journal Vol – 14 No -3, June 2019

Parameter based non linearity in a state variable model of a practical system: A case study


A.B.Chattopadhyay, Shazia Hasan, Sunil Thomas



The small perturbation method is widely used in attempting to model non-linear systems. Many systems nowadays in different domains exist as adaptive-parameter type models, where the control effort is not applied as in input to the system (as is usually the case) but as a change to the parameter within the system itself. This paper attempts to analyze a non-linear adaptive-parameter type system, using the small perturbation method for linearization. The Ward-Leonard DC Motor with thyristor field control is used as a “test bench” here as it is suited for being an adaptive parameter system. The results and inferences from this study can easily be generalized to a wide variety of systems in applied mathematics, general control systems, power systems, robotics etc.


Non-linear adaptive-parameter,Small perturbation approach,DC drive,Thyristorized W-L method,silicon-controlled rectifier,


I. A. Bara, S. Dale, C. Rusu and H. Silaghi, “DC electrical drive control with fuzzy systems,” 2015 13th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES), Oradea, 2015, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/EMES.2015.7158437.
II. A. Choudhary, S. A. Singh, M. F. Malik, A. Kumar, M. K. Pathak and V. Kumar, “Virtual lab: Remote access and speed control of DC motor using Ward-Leonard system,” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE), Kerala, 2012, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/ICTEE.2012.6208666.
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IV. F. P. A. Vaccaro, M. Janusz and K. Kuhn, “Digital control of a Ward Leonard drive system,” 3D Africon Conference. Africon ’92 Proceedings (Cat. No.92CH3215), Ezulwini Valley, Swaziland, 1992, pp. 123-127. doi: 10.1109/AFRCON.1992.624433.
IV. G. A. Biacs and M. S. Adzic, “Modeling of the thyristor controlled rectifiers for control of Ward – Leonard system,” 2009 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Subotica, 2009, pp. 193-196.doi: 10.1109/SISY.2009.5291167.
V. Meng Cno, X. jin & R.E. White, “Nonlinear state-variable method for solving physical based Li-Ion cell model with High frequency inputs” journal of Electrochimical Society, Feb 2017.
VI. Q. Zhong, “Speed-sensorless AC Ward Leonard drive systems,” SPEEDAM 2010, Pisa, 2010, pp. 1512-1517. doi: 10.1109/SPEEDAM.2010.5544901.

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Modelling and Forecasting of GDP in Bangladesh: An ARIMA Approach


M. M. Miah, Mimma Tabassum, M. Shohel Rana



This paper aims to model and forecasting on GDP data of Bangladesh for the period of 1960 to 2017. To test the stationarity of the series graphical method, correlogram and unit root test were used. The time series plot of GDP shows a non-stationary pattern and overall this is like exponential curvature shape. Hence the data have been differenced twice to convert the data from non-stationary to stationary. From the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) we obtain the order of the time series model. The chosen model was autoregressive integrated moving average ARIMA (1, 2, 1). The model has been fitted on data to estimate the parameters of autoregressive and moving average components of ARIMA (1, 2, 1) model. For residual diagnostics, correlogram, Q-statistic, histogram, and normality test were used. Also, Chow test was used for stability testing. Using model selection criterion and checking model adequacy, wesee that the model is suitable in shape. It is found that the forecast values of GDP in Bangladesh are steadily improving over the next thirteen years.


GDP,ARIMA Modeling,Forecasting,Bangladesh,


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State Estimation using Active elements for Electrical Distribution Network


Habib Ullah, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Waleed Jan, Ehtesham-ul-Haq, Mehre Munir



As the world thrives for its need to complete its energy demand and supply challenges, the state estimation in distribution systems remains a key factor at online observing and controlling in Energy Management Technology. As the world is advancing towards an advance era in order to fulfill its energy supply different sources whether traditional or renewable online monitoring of Distribution of state estimation is becoming more challenging and demandable. In this letter, a concept for state estimation is offered. The accountability for SE is surrogate to indigenous means in secondary substations. By means of past statistics and probabilistic models the substation bad statistics charts knowledge is gathered. Topology and observability analysis as well as bad data identification are performed Data not performing well is identified using topology tools is accomplished with a perfunctory that crosses the secondary substations of the primary substation feeders.


Electrical Distribution Network,Active elements,routing packets,Secondary substation, Primary Station,


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Power and Energy Storage of Wind Energy in Distributed Generation Network


Alamzeb Shahzad, Waleed Jan, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Ehtesham-ul-Haq, Mehr E Munir



Power is a necessary tool for modern civilization. All the modern achievements and technology have made man achieve more and more day by day but use of fossil fuels tends to be limited. On other hand, technologies and techniques are being developed to use natural renewable sources in order to full fill power and energy demand. Distributed Generation is part of new renewable energy trend in which different grid resources are added to meet user end requirements. This paper presents an approach to limit the power storage from wind energy while working with voltage levels. The study is performed in mainly two levels. First the wind profile is studied with load requirements and then detailed control is performed for optimal power flow (OPF). It is found that storages can be changed via user requirement while also depending upon threshold of DG network.


Wind Energy,Energy Storage, Distributed Generation,Wind Energy Farm,Power Generation,Power flow,


I.G. Carpinelli, G. Celli, S. Mocci, F. Mottola, F. Pilo, and D. Proto, ―Optimal integration of distributed energy storage devices in smart grids,‖ IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 985–995, 2013

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Deep Learning Approach: Emotion Recognition from Human Body Movements


R. Santhoshkumar, M. Kalaiselvi Geetha



Analysis of human body movements for emotion prediction is necessary for social communication. Body movements, gestures, eye movements and facial expression are some non-verbal communication method used in many applications. Among them emotion prediction from body movements is commonly used because it convey the emotional states of person from different camera view. In this paper, human emotional states predict from full body movements using feed forward deep convolution neural network architecture and Block Average Intensity Value BAIV feature. Both model can be evaluated by emotion action dataset (University of YORK) with 15 types of emotions. The experimental result showed the better recognition accuracy of the feed forward deep convolution neural network architecture.


Emotion Recognition,Non-verbal communication,Body Movement,Human Computer Interaction (HCI),Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN),BAIVfeature,


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Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems for Bench-mark Collection


Santosh Kumar Suman, Awadhesh Kumar



In this contribution,We present a benchmark collection Inclusive of some needful real-world examples, which can be used to assessment and compare numerical methods for model reduction. In this paper the reduction method is explored for getting structure preserving reduced order model of a large-scale dynamical system, we have considered model order reduction of higher orderLTIsystems) with SISO and MIMO [XXXII] that aims at finding Error estimation using Approximation of both system. This enables a new evaluation of the error system Provided that the Observability Gramian of the original system has once been considered, an H∞and H2 error bound can be computed with negligible numerical attempt for any reduced model attributable to The reduced order model (ROM) of a large-scale dynamical system is necessary to effortlessness the analysis of the system using approximation Algorithms. The response evaluation is considered in terms ofresponse constraints and graphical assessments.the application of Approximation methodsis offered for arisingROMof the large-scaleLTI systems which includes benchmark problems. It is reported that the reduced order model using compare numerical methods is almost alike in performance to that of with original systems.all simulation resultshave been obtained via MATLAB based software (sssMOR toolbox).


Benchmarks Example,Order reduction,Error estimation,Krylov,Balanced Truncation,Modal method,


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Face Recognition using Machine Learning Algorithms


Amirhosein Dastgiri, Pouria Jafarinamin, Sami Kamarbaste, Mahdi Gholizade



Face recognition is one of the most challenging issues in analyzing images. Face recognition technology is one of the fastest technologies that do the identification process without having the slightest disturbance to the person. Face recognition today has found many applications that can be used for faces recognition, military issues, legal issues, image retrieval, identification of protagonists, video images, and so on. Face recognition is considered as one of the smart computer analysis scenarios. There are always improvements in this area that make these improvements accurate in identifying facial expressions. Accordingly, the present paper seeks to study facial recognition using machine learning algorithms. Time information has useful features for recognizing facial expressions. However, a lot of effort is needed to manually design features. In this paper, to reduce these factors, a machine learning technique is selected, which is an automated tool that extracts useful features from raw data. Using machine learning methods can be considered as a more effective way. In this paper, a method based on machine learning algorithms for face recognition is presented. The proposed algorithms perform the unknown image by comparing it with known and stored images in databases and also obtaining information from a person familiar with the process of face recognition. The results show that the proposed method has high accuracy compared to other previous methods.


face recognition, machine learning al gorithms,image process,


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Human Gait Recognition using Neural Network Multi-Layer Perceptron


Faisel Ghazi Mohammed, Waleed khaled Eesee



The wide separation of using camera video surveillance and increasing the depending on these video to identify human identity. One of trending method to achieve this task is human gait recognition. In this paper, human gait recognized using three features include gait energy image (GEI) human body height and width. Features are easy to extract and archived high correlation to target class. Neural network Multi-Layer Perceptron used to build a recognition model to achieve 90 % accuracy.


human gait recognition,gait energy image,Neural network Multi-Layer Perceptron,


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Control System Based Modeling and Simulation of Cardiac Muscle With Optimization Using Performance Index


Soumyendu Bhattacharjee, Aishwarya Banerjee, Biswarup Neogi



Because of the prolong use of the system, the performance (Output parameters of the system) can change and output of the system may start deteriorating from the desired value. If the performance of a system, based on control theory is not up to the expectations as per the desired specification, then some changes in the system are required to obtain the desired performance. The control system can be represented with a set of mathematical equations called system model which are used to answer questions via analysis and simulation. A model is a precise representation of a system dynamics which are the arrangement of physical elements and that physical elements are analyzed to make governing equations. Cardiovascular muscle senses the force generated due to the contraction and expansion of muscle wall .This can be well understood by the analytical approach of the transfer function generated by using a mechanical model of force displacement analogy. The efficiency of the work also lies in the measure of the movement of cardiovascular factors in the system. The mass of heart muscle varies with different age groups both for male and female. This work is based on the glimpses of changing transfer function with different age groups due to the variation of mass of heart muscle. Viscous drag has also been calculated considering different values of damping coefficient for a particular value of mass. For attending the optimality in the performance of the system one designed controller is used along with the derived transfer function in cascade arrangement. To get more stability of the system, damping coefficient is chosen for the system model considering less settling time and steady state error. The open loop transfer function in the forward path is simply the product of derived transfer function and designed transfer function of controller. The design emphasizes on the optimality in operation of the control process which has been determined by the performance index (PI) of the total process using integral square method.


Transfer Function, Steady State Error, Performance Index,Integral Square Error,


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Hydrological Modeling of Upper Indus Basin Using HEC -HMS.


Muhammad Ismail Khan, Saqib Shah, Jowhar Hayat, Faisal Hayat Khan, Mehre Munir



One of the most frequently used mechanism to estimate the basin’s hydrological response due to precipitation is Hydrological modeling. In the paper to pretend the rainfall-runoff processing Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan the HEC-HMS model is used. The development of most of hydrological methodologies is done before 1990. But the advancement in GIS technologies and the management of spatial data has assisted repetitious processing tasks for high resolution datasets improving efficiency and spatial variations. Although large amount of data are often required but the preprocessors in GIS helps hydrological modeling through the semi-automated spatial analysis. We used HEC-HMS for hydrological modeling of Upper Indus Basin. To estimate the watershed discharge over time, the HEC-HMS routes a runoff hydrograph through the stream network. It produces the event based storm hydrograph which can be used in urban drainage design, water management, reservoir design, land use impact studies, flood forecasting and floodplain mapping To cover seven years (2005-2011) data Rainfall-runoff simulation is done using random rainstorm measures of these years. Selected events are used for model calibration and the remaining are used for model validation. The statistical tests of error function like root mean square error (RMSE), Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NASH), mean biased efficiency (MBE), R-square between the observed and simulated data are conducted for calibration of the model. The results show values of R-square of 0.855, and the values of RMSE between the observed and simulated data were indicated as 7.83 and the value of NASH is 0.91 similarly, the value of MBE is 1.5 between the observed and simulated discharge for calibration of the model, respectively. The results indicate values of R-Square is 0.856 and value of RMSE is 9.54 and value of NASH is 1.5 and, the value of MBE is 1.5 among the experimental and simulated discharge for validation of the model, respectively. For validation and calibration of model select sub-basin of Upper Indus Basin, precipitation and discharge data from 2005 to 2011 is used in modeling.


Hydrological,Rainfall-runoff simulation,Upper Indus Basin,model calibration,model validation,


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