
Random Prediction in Metric Space


Hind Fadhil Abbas



There are different classes of the graph generation. Node is one of the important parts in graph which is associated with the metric space. The elements of the set are placed very close to each other. These elements are similar to each other having minor or unobservable difference. Hence, it is difficult to find them in a given set in several of applications. The application area finds at many branches like multimedia, computer science and pattern reorganization. Here, we are focused on metric space and its prediction. Also, we have discussed some methods with some examples and the view of all known proposals to organize metric spaces. There are a large number of solutions are available. The notations of a random metric space and tried to prove that space was isometric. The study is focused on universal and random distance matrices. The properties of universal metric space with the properties of distance metric were correlated. Latent metric was also considered. This review includes the different scenarios of metric space with the basic concepts and mathematical formulae.


Random objects,Random prediction,Metric space,Space theory,


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Dr.Muhammad Shabbir Ali, Dr.Shafqat Rasool, Dr. AsifIqbal, Sabahat Parveen



Induction training program plays vital role for all new mathematics teachers who are recruited. It helps them to increase efficacy level to adhere to the educational life and facilitate the organization with effective performance. This study is the part of wider research to help to investigate evaluation of induction training program for mathematics teachers with the main objective of predicting future modality of professional development on the bases of induction training process. 150 participants, who experienced for induction training program, were selected for this study. These 150 teachers were having vast experience and background in mathematics and statistics. The data were gathered through questionnaire and observation to explore the approaches of induction program for development and its effectiveness. Data were analyzed through statistical techniques of t-test, correlation, ANOVA and regression. The analysis showed significant effect of induction training program on teachers’ development as whole. Induction training program found positive relation with professionalism and strongly predict the professional development of educational organization.


Induction Program,Professional Development,Training of Teachers,Future Modality,


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Real-time Data Streaming using Apache Spark on Fully Configured Hadoop Cluster


Kashi Sai Prasad, S Pasupathy



Data plays a major role in today's Internet world.Analyzing historical data became easy due to advancement of analytical tools. Gathering data from social networking websites is a great challenge for today's data scientists. Many advancements and research has been conducted to gather streaming data(data generated every second) .Hadoop has provided acomponent called Apache Flume to ingest data into HDFS for processing using MapReduce. It has its own benefits,which made many analysis easy for social networking data,but Apache Flume requires a depthknowledge on configuration files and administration. Our work proposes a framework for real-time data streaming of Twitter data. Apache spark which is an enhancement of Hadoop in terms of speed and faster processing provides much more insight than Apache flume.Spark is an in-memory distributed computing engine to increase processing speed over MapReduce, Spark is considered one of the most advanced ecosystem component for Batch and near-real time processing. We in our paper are explaining in detail about data ingestion using Apache Spark and Scala IDE. In our work the data will be directly ingested from Twitter website through tokens and access keys provided,which will be explained in chapter 3,4. Our GUI can also help a user to tweet into Twitter directly without moving on to Twitter website. We have also provided an option to categorize tweet of specific persons using '#' tags.The data thus obtained can be used for statistical analysis and generating reports.


Apache Spark,Big Data,Flume,Hadoop,Map Reduce,Twitter data ingestion,


I.Altti Ilari Maarala, Mika Rautiainen, Miikka Salmi, Susanna Pirttikangas and Jukka Riekki”, Low latency analytics for streaming traffic data with Apache Spark” IEEE InternationalConference on Big Data (2015).

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Arduino Based Safety System for Blind People


Rima Nayek, Debapriya Ghosh, Krishanu Bhattacharjee, Sudipta Ghosh



The Blindness is frequently used to describe severe visual deterioration with or without residual vision. According to WHO (World Health Organisation) 30Million people are blind. In India only 6.8 Million people are blind, 46.2 Million people have low vision and 5.3Million people are visually diminished. There is a great dependency for any type of movement or walking within area or out of the particular area, they use only their natural senses such as touch or sound for identification. To gift a simplified and independent life for blind person, this project proposed which is light weight , compact , cost efficient and easy to handle.


ArduinoUNO,Ultrasonic sensor,Fire sensor,Rain sensor, Blind Stick,


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Overhead Transmission Lines Analysis Considering Sag-Tension under Maximum Wind Effect


Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Akhtar Khan, Mehr-E-Munir



Grid stations get generated power from power stations that are ordinarily far; continuous consumption or use of electric power has expanded in most recent couple of years. Transmission system is the system by methods for which power is transmitted from place of generation to the consumers. Overhead wires or conductors are the medium used for transmission of power. These wires are visible to wind, heat and ice. The efficiency of the power system increases if the losses of these overhead wires are minimal. These losses are based on the resistive, magnetic and capacitive nature of the conductor. It is necessary to create or make proper design of these conductors accompanied by proper installation. To balance the working and strength of overhead transmission line and to minimize its capacitive effect the conductors must be installed in catenary shape. The sag is required in transmission line for conductor suspension. The conductors are appended between two overhead towers with ideal estimation of sag. It is because of keeping conductor safety from inordinate tension. To permit safe tension in the conductor, conductors are not completely extended; rather they are allowed to have sag. For equal level supports this paper provides sag and tension estimation with two different cases under maximum operating temperature 45 °C. To calculate sag-tension estimation of ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) overhead lines twoe different cases are provided with no and high wind speed effects. Four different span lengths are taken for same level supports. ETAP (Electrical Transient and Analysis Program) is used for simulation setup. The results shows that wind effect has great impact upon line tension and with addition of wind speed the sag of line remains same while tension altered.




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Analysis of Synthesized Ka-Band Linear Array Antenna for Beam Steering Applications


S.S.S. Kalyan, K. Ch. Sri Kavya, Sarat K. Kotamraju



As beam steering antennas are being an ideal solution for many satellite applications, this paper is concerned on the design of a 16-element linear array antenna, using an RT Duroid substrate at 20.2 GHz for Ka-Band satellite communications. The design is initiated with single element and thereby incremented in steps to 2, 4, 8 and 16 elements. An optimum inter element spacing of 0.73λ is considered for the purpose of fulfilling the desired scanning requirement. Performance analysis of the proposed antenna is analyzed mainly in terms of Relative Side Lobe level (RSLL) and Beam steering. To synthesize the antenna, weights of the antenna are considered according to Taylor’s amplitude distribution along the antenna aperture to attain a relative side lobe level of -25dB. The proposed 16-element linear array antenna achieved a maximum gain of 19.5dB and the main beam direction can be switched up to 50o (±25o) without introduction any grating lobes. In addition to, other relevant antenna parameters such as reflection coefficient, VSWR, gain and efficiency of single, 2, 4, 8 and 16 element antennas are compared. The proposed linear array antenna is designed using Ansoft HFSS.


Linear array antenna, Beam steering, Relative Side Lobe Level,Ka-Band,Satellite Communication Links, Taylor’s Amplitude distribution,


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The unique symmetric positive solutions for nonlinear fourth order arbitrary two-point boundary value problems: A fixed point theory approach


Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Zulfikar Ali



In this paper, we explore the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for the following nonlinear fourth order ordinary differential equation        (4) u t  f t,u t , t a, b , withthe following arbitrary two-point boundary conditions: ua  ub  ua  ub  0, where, a, b are two arbitrary constants satisfying b  0, a 1 b and f Ca,b0,,0,.Here we also demonstrate that under certain assumptions the above boundary value problem exist a unique symmetric positive solution. The analysis of this paper is based on a fixed point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces due to Amini-Harandi and Emami. The results of this paper generalize the results of several authors in literature. Finally, we provide some illustrative examples to support our analytic proof.


Arbitrary two-pointboundary conditions,Nonlinear fourthorder ordinary differential equation,Unique symmetric positive solutions,Fixed point theorem,


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B. Madhuravani, B. Rama, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, B.Dhanalaxmi, V. UmaMaheswari



In the present internet world, Security is a prime vital concern and the secure hash function is one of the ideal alternative means to guarantee security. In this paper we made a study on different nonlinear dynamical systems – Chaotic maps and introduced a novel hash scheme based on integrated chaotic maps. The experimental outcomes shows that the proposed model satisfies all cryptographic properties of secure hash functions such as resistant to collisions, high level of sensitivity to initial conditions, high confusion and diffusion, high randomization etc. The suggested model is fast and accurate in terms of speed and security is concern. In this model, multiple chaotic maps are integrated as a single chaotic system to generate an n-bit digest value, where the length of digest is flexible in terms of security is concern.


Access Control,Authentication,Chaotic Maps,Complex Chaotic Maps,Integrity,


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AnsamGhazi Nsaif ALBU_Amer



Mathematical treatment for numbers and arrays in the field of functional analysis need special interest. In the present paper, we will focus on a new alternative approach of greedy summation approach of unordered numbers and arrays. A theoretical background is firstly presentedregarding the numbers and arrays and their importance in the field of functional analysis, then the alternative approach for the greedy summation based on absolute values is presented. Some theoretical proofs regarding the relation between theoretical greedy summation and the Dirichlet series is presented in brief details. At the end of the present paper, some important conclusions are listed due to their importance and their effect for the upcoming research works.


Numbers,Arrays,unordered sum,Numerical arrays,Greedy sum of numbers,Greedy sum of arrays,convergence of series,Dirichlet series of array,


I.E. V. Shchepin, Summation of Unordered Arrays, Functional Analysis and Its Applications, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 35–44, 2018.

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III.M. Ruzhansky and D. Suragan, Adv. Math., Vol. 308, pp.483–528;, 2017.

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V.M. Ruzhansky and V. Turunen, Pseudo-Differential Operators and Symmetries, Background Analysis and Advanced Topics, Pseudo-Differential Operators, Theory and Applications, vol. 2, Basel, 2010.

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VII.S. V. Konyagin and V. N. Temlyakov, Convergence of greedy approximations I. General systems, Studia Math., Vol. 159, No.1, pp. 143-160, 2003.

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Effluents of Hayatabad Industrial Estate and Its Impacts on Human Health and Environment


Muhammad Sheeraz, Muhammad Nadeem Khan, MuhammadZeeshan Ahad, Fawad Ahmad, Mehr-e-Munir



Portable water is a gift of God, which is used by human beings both for domestic and industrial purposes, but when it is polluted by certain reasons it become useless and adversely effects human health, aquatic life and threats the ground water. There are many sources of water pollution and Industrial pollution is one major source and concern for today’s world because toxic substances and chemicals used as raw products in industries is being discharged as residual to the water bodies if not treated. The HIE is no exception, where different industries are indiscriminately releasing their untreated effluents to open nallah, which ultimately makes its way into river Kabul while passing through urban and rural areas of Peshawar. The river Kabul water is widely used for irrigation purposes and is affecting the human and marine life because of the untreated toxic effluents. The study deals with the estimation and characterization of pollutions load discharged by the HIE and possible solutions to control these effluents at source i.e. at individual industrial level or at a Combined Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP). The study concluded that toxic effluents with high BOD, COD and TSS along with number of other heavy metals are released untreated. These effluents cannot be treated at source due to high cost and non-availability of land in existing developed industries. Also it is not advisable to install individual treatment plants due to lack of technical knowhow and high maintenance costs. The solution for this is to install a CETP at a suitable location on common benefit and maintenance cost mechanism.


Industrial estate, Combined Effluent Treatment Plant,Human health,Healthy Environment,


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