Journal Vol – 13 No -4, October 2018

An Improvised Recommendation System For Mobile Plans Using Similarity Fusion


Neetu Singh, V.K Jain



Recommendations help humans in making decisions and hence contribute in increase of user satisfaction. For good recommendations; the recommender should be more precise. From past decades, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has been explored by researchers because of its efficiency and effectiveness. The main objective of CF is to find most similar items using various similarity measures. This research paper proposes improvised mobile recommender that significantly increases accuracy for recommended right plans for mobile users using similarity fusion. Experimental results show that the proposed recommender using similarity fusions provide better recommendation quality.


Recommender System, Cellular networks,Similarities,data plans,Similarity fusion,


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Challenges been faced by Mobile Operators in Pakistan for transition from 2G to 3G & 4G Mobile Services


Shahid Latif, Mehr-e-Munir



Mobile communication has been transformed in Pakistan by issuance of Third Generation (3G) and Fourth Generation (4G) licenses. Introduction of new technologies has changed the mobile users existing lust for more data and at an extremely high transmission rate. The third and fourth generation technology transitions have enormously improved network performance as compared to old and legacy Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technology. Especially, the Long Term Evolution wireless network brings all set to convert the existing mobile networks into end-to-end IP networks. In this review paper, it will be considered what challenges have been faced by the mobile companies in Pakistan for migration of mobile wireless networks from existing technology to 3G CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and 4G LTE (Orthogonal frequency division multiplex) networks. The main challenges faced by managers for shifting from existing 2G infra-structures to new 3G and 4G infra-structures are network planning and achieving Quality of Service (QoS) parameter’s for this transition.


Second Generation,Third Generation,Fourth Generation,wireless network planning,Long Term Evolution,Internet Protoco,Code Division Multiple Access,Quality of Service,


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Accident prevention by detection of Drowsiness using Heart rate and body temperature sensing


ParomitaDas, Soumyendu Bhattacharjee, Biswarup Neogi



Fatigue or sleep is a crucial factor in traffic accidents especially for long distance journeys. In this article, an innovative module depicts for automatic driver drowsiness detection based on heart rate and skin temperature. This system aims towards detecting and alert the driver to prevent accidents. Bothsensor performance has been utilized and modulated through the Arduino microcontroller and produce output. Achieve better accuracy for detecting sleep, a new method that is the combination of the heart rate sensor, as well as body temperature sensor, is proposed. Also, the proposed system can monitor the heart rate and body temperature continuously for detecting the health status of the driver also. Experimental results show high accuracy in each section which makes this system reliable for driver sleep detection and alarm system.


Driver drowsiness detection,Accident prevention,Heart rate sensor,Body temperature sensor,


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