
Development of a RGB-based model for predicting SPAD value and chlorophyll content of betel leaf (Piper betleL.)


Amar Kumar Dey, P. Guha, Manisha Sharma, M.R. Meshram



Three different techniques were assessed for estimation of chlorophyll content from each leaf samples. In the first method SPAD-502 hand held meter was used to estimate SPAD values of leaf. In the second method flatbed scanner was used to acquire the sample leaf image for estimation of SPAD and Chlorophyll concentration. The third method was biochemical based spectrophotometric approach for estimating chlorophyll concentration.Extensive statistical analysis based on Information criterion theory was made for selection and evaluation of proposed RGB image processing based color model for estimating SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration. The resultsrevealed that image processing techniques has good potential in estimating SPAD and chlorophyll concentration values relative to biochemical method using spectroscopic technique and SPAD meter reading. The present study also pointed out the fact that for the SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration estimation using proposed image processing technique gives better results with dual color band as compared to single or triple color band.Furthermore, estimated SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration differ from Image processing technique (photometric) measurement of leaf samples by 5.538% (p<0.001) and 0.0185% (p<0.001), respectively.


Chlorophyll,SPAD,RGB,mage processing, AIC,BIC,


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Families of exact traveling wave solutions to the space time fractional modified KdV equation and the fractional Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunovequation


M. Hafiz Uddin, M. Ali Akbar, Md. Ashrafuzzaman Khan, Md. Abdul Haque



Thespace time fractional modified KdV equation and fractional Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov(KPP)equation models the unidirectional and bidirectional waves on shallow water surfaces, long internal wavein a density-stratified ocean, ion acoustic waves in plasma, acoustic waves on a crystal lattice. The fractional derivatives are defined in the modified Riemann-Liouville sense.In this article, we obtain exact solution of these equations by means of the recently established two variables(G1/G,1/G)-expansion method.The solutions are obtained in the form of hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions involving parameters. When the parameters are assigned particular values, the solitary wave solutions are generated from the traveling wave solutions. The method indicates that it is easy to implement,computationally attractive and is the general form of theoriginal(G1/G)-expansion method.


Exact solution,fractional modified KdVequation,Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation,modified Remann-Liouville derivative,traveling wave solution,solitary wave solution,


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A Hybrid Cryptography and Authentication based Security Model for Clustered WBAN


Aarti Sangwan, Partha Pratim Bhattacharya



The communication in a clustered WBAN is performed at different levels through multiple nodes and controllers. This kind of multi-level involvement of nodes opens the nodes for security leaks. In this paper, a dual level security is integrated using hybrid cryptography method. A hybrid authentication and cryptography based method is defined for identity and information level security. The hybridization of security for clustered WBAN is achieved using RSA and hash key encoder. The RSA is here applied for node to controller for identification and verification whereas SHA is applied for reliable symmetric message encoding for node-to-controller and controller-to-controller communication. The proposed security model is applied in an integrated form to the clustered WBAN network to improve communication reliability. The proposed secure communication model has improved the performance of the network. The simulation is applied on clustered WBANs with different number of WBANs. The comparative simulation results show that the proposed model has effectively improved the packet communication and network life.


Body Area Network,Clustered,Secure, RSA,Hashcode,


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XXI.Mukhtar, T. and Chaudhary, S. (2016). Energy efficient cluster formation and secure data outsourcing using TEOSCC and ECDH-IBT technique in WBAN. International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Chennai, 2016, pp. 596-602.

XXII.Prameela, S., and Ponmuthuramalingam, P. (2016). A robust energy efficient and secure data dissemination protocol for wireless body area networks, International Conference on Advances in Computer Applications (ICACA), Coimbatore, 2016, pp. 131-134.

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XXV.Shen, J., Chang, S., Shen, J., Liu, Q., and Sun, X. (2018). A lightweight multi-layer authentication protocol for wireless body area networks. Future Generation Computer Systems, 78(3), 956-963.

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Support to portable devices with Energy Generation by Lower Limb activities


Susmita Das, Sanjeev Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Rai, Moupali Roy, Swati Barui, Biswarup Neogi



A big threat for the survival of mankind is the scarcity of power which is a serious matter to look into. Under this hard situation, the bioelectric energy is the most useful energy source instead of all the electronic power sources. Any electronic gadget can be activated with the help of bio-charger which is simple, portable and very much needed for the athletics. By recycling of energy and utilizing the energy conservation rule many problems related to energy consumption can be solved. The purpose of the research work is to make a bio-charger to preserve the bioelectric energy and to use it as the power source for any portable electronic gadget.


Lower Limb, Bioelectric Energy, Electromyography(EMG),Bio-charger,


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Virtually Essence Effect Creator Prototype Development Effort- A Case Study


Zinkar Das, Himanshu Rai, Sudipta Ghosh , Saswata Das , Dipyaman Goswami , Biswarup Neogi



Introducing modern transmission technology, it is possible to transmit some human sensual theme (sound, video, and picture) with support of signal processing aspects. It is quite difficult to transmit aroma introducing signal processing effort. We attempt to contribute a short prototype, which create a virtual effect of essence in receiving section. This paper mainly focuses with a case study manner towards the prototype development in techno commercial features. The specific patent review in this field is added it’s important. In addition, art work representation to working model based approaches is presented chronologically with appropriate technical information. Developed prototype and image processing technology behind this project is presented. The involvement of several interdisciplinary facts is carried towards the development of this prototype. Overall, this paper presents a case study towards the performance of one challenging product based preliminary prototype generation.


Essence effect,Internet technology,Odour,Image,Prototype,


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Neurobiological Function Analysis of Naturally Generated Seeds Optimization Using Evolutionary Techniques


Patrali Pradhan, Paromita Das, Sanjeev Kumar Ojha, Moumita Ghosh, Soumendu Ghosh, Biswarup Neogi



An automated hybrid model, called the Plant Neural System Model (PNSM), is introduced in this approach. Plants can process biochemical signals throughcertain biological processes even they don’t have brains. Important biological processes, like seed germination, root growth, and nutrient absorption by the cell are considered as these are the foundations of neuron systems in plants. Neurobiological processes have been adapted to develop a hybrid black box model with time-dependent functions like Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and the use of some advanced optimization techniques. This model would be useful in the analysis of soil parametric relations with both seed germination and seed optimization in order to classify plant seeds.


Neurobiological,Plant Neural System, Artificial Neural Network,Hybrid model,


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Computational Modeling of Boundary-Layer Flow of a Nanofluid Past a Nonlinearly Stretching Sheet


A Mitra



In the present investigation, steady two dimensional laminar natural convection flow resulting from non-linear stretching of a flat horizontal plate ina nanofluid is studied numerically. Boungiorno model [I] is employed that treats the nanofluid as a two-component mixture (base fluid plus nanoparticles), incorporating the effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis.By appropriate similarity variables, the governing nonlinear partial differential equations of flow are transformed to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Subsequently they are reduced to a first order system and integrated using Newton Raphson and adaptive Runge-Kutta methods. The computer codes are developed for this numerical analysis in Matlab environment. Dimensionless stream function (s), longitudinal velocity (s′), temperature (θ) and nanoparticle volume fraction (f) are computed and illustrated graphically for various values of four dimensionless parameters, namely, Lewis number (Le), stretching parameter (n), Brownian motion Parameter (Nb), and thermophoresis parameter (Nt). The effects of the physical parameters on the rate of heat transfer(-θ́(0)) and mass transfer (-φ́(0)) is given in tabulated form.The results of the present simulation are in with good agreement with the previous reports available in literature.


Brownian motion,Boundary layer,Nanofluid,Non-linear Stretching,Thermophoresis,


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E-Shape Patch Antenna For Mobile Phone, S-Band and C-Band Applications


Mehr-e-Munir, Khalid Mahmood, M.Waqas Khan



Patch miniaturization is an ongoing trend in modern communication technology nowadays. In this paper functional behavior of E slotted patch is presented. With additional ground irregularities multi resonating frequency response is attained at range of 1-8GHZ resulting at most gain of 3.43dB -4.71dB, directivity in 3.68dBi-5.66dBi range with good impedance bandwidth. With use of fractal patch technique FR4 is chosen as substrate bases. With help of implementing shortening pin technique reduction of antenna is accomplished to 60.60%. By changing location of shortening pin only different desired bands resonation can be achieved. This type of microstrip antenna has applications in mobile phone for, S-Band and C-Band applications


Miniaturization,Fractal patch, Gain, Directivity,Microstrip patch,Slot cutting,


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Effect of TCO, BSF and Back contact Barrier on CdS/CdTe solar cell: Modeling and Simulation


K Sarkar, K K Ghosh, N K Mandal



We have commenced an in-depth study through modeling and simulation to investigate the performance of a CdTe solar cell at different Schottky barrier heights for different combinations thicknesses of BSF as well as window layer and front contact oxide layer (TCO) .The inter relation between BSF layer and back contact schottky barrier height has been focused. Effect of the BSF layer regarding the tunneling of charges has been investigated. In the present paper, we achieved in our study the highest ƞ of 18.39%, Voc of 0.591 volt, Isc of 0.411 amp for 0.1 µm absorber and 1nm BSF layer thickness in presence of higher schottky barrier (0.6eV) with higher doping concentration of absorber layer. Thinning of the layers have always been better in terms of performance and cost. But it brings pinhole formation problems what we excluded here in our present work. Keywords : Thin film solar, CdS/CdTe, TCO, Window layer, Schottky Barrier, Back Surface Field (BSF).


Thin film solar,CdS/CdTe,TCO,Window layer,Schottky Barrier,Back Surface Field (BSF),


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