Aims and Scope :
Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences is an official publication of the Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences.
JMCMS is a printed and On-Line journal that is devoted to original research work in Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences. Original research articles, reviews, and letters in all areas of mathematical sciences are published in this International Journal since 2006. It is a peer-reviewed refereed International Journal.It intends to provide a complete and comprehensive source of information on recent development in the field of mathematical sciences. It is an open accessed journal so that researchers, academicians, and scientists of the world may avail research articles to download free of cost. The basic emphasis will be given on publishing quality research papers rapidly which will attract attention to all research workers in that field worldwide.
Topics of Interest :
The main object of the journal is to become a quality International Journal in the field of Mechanics, Mathematics, and Mathematical sciences by publishing research papers of high quality. The journal publishes Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental articles on the following subjects :
Mathematical Sciences:
Applied Mathematics,
Bio – Mathematics,
Discrete Mathematics,
Mathematical Physics,
Probability & Statistics,
Fluid Dynamics,
Fluid Machines.
Fluid Mechanics,
Geo – Dynamics,
Heat Transfer,
Solid Mechanics,
Waves and Vibrations,
Operation Research,
Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning,
Machine Vision,
Computational Intelligence,
Human-Computer Interaction,
Expert System
Engineering Sciences:
Computer Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Electronics & Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering,
Instrumentation & Control Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Architecture Engineering
Environmental Sciences,
Medical Science
Technology Management :
Information Technology,
Technology Entrepreneurship,
Technology Management.
The topic of articles is not limited to the above-mentioned subjects only. We cordially invite research articles of high quality of any subject that will serve the purpose of greater interest of humanity.
Audience :
Scientists, Faculty Members of Universities, Academicians, Professionals, Research workers, and any person interested in the field of Mechanics, Engineering, Mathematics, and Mathematical Sciences.
Frequencies: Monthly
Issues: 12 issues in a year.
Date of Publication Within the Last Date of every month.
Manuscript Preparation :
The manuscript should be written in English in MS WORD software format. All pages must be numbered sequentially so that the paper may be edited and reviewed easily.
The manuscript must be submitted by one of the authors on behalf of all co-authors ( if any ). The authors must confirm that the manuscript is original. It is neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. If any part of the manuscript, illustration, table, or structure that has already been published elsewhere must be reported to the Editorial Board.
Submission of a Manuscript:
Length of a paper:
A research paper sent to JMCMS must not exceed 20 typed set printed pages of A – 4 size bond paper.
Typing instruction :
- Font: Times New Roman
- Title of the paper Font: 14
- Heading Font: 12
- Other Lines Font: 11
- Body Lines Font: 11
- Space between two lines: 1 (One ) point
- Formulae should be numbered consecutively with numbers in bracket ( ) appearing in the right margin and numbered as (1), (2), (3), etc.
Page Margins :
- Top : 4.3 cm or 1.7″ inch
- Bottom : 4.3 cm or 1.7″ inch
- Left : 3.8 cm or 1.5″ inch
- Right : 3.8 cm or 1.5″ inch
Authors Name and Affiliation
The authors’ name should consist of first name, middle (if any ), last name. The authors’ affiliation should consist of the following in order :
- University or College or Institution or Company (with the name of the department, position hold, or Company division )
- Postal Address
- City, State, Zip Code
- Name of the Country
- Telephone Number or Mobile Number
- Email Address
Corresponding Author
The corresponding author is the person responsible for correspondence with the Board of Editors. We ask for additional information for the corresponding author, so that we can ensure timely communication and make the program accurate. We will only Contact the author other than the corresponding author if we are unable to reach the corresponding author (e.g., because of a bad email address). Please notify us of any changes in names, affiliations, etc. in the corresponding author’s information. Note: If you have more than one email address, please put the second address under “Alternate Email”. We will only use that address if there is a problem with the primary email.
In case of a paper with more than one author correspondence concerning the paper will be sent to the first author if the name of the corresponding author’s name is not mentioned specifically.
- A concise abstract (maximum 250 words ) should open the paper.
- To give sufficient indication of the objective, scope, and results of the research paper to the Readers to determine whether they will go through the full text or not.
- To provide Keywords and phrases for indexing.
- The abstract must not be the summary of the whole paper in a few words.
Keywords and phrases :
Maximum of 6(Six) keywords and phrases.
- The introduction should contain a maximum of 600 words.
- Reference should be given in proper format in the introduction whenever it is necessary.
Main Text:
- The main text should contain a statement of the problem and its solution
- Headings, Figures, and Tables should be numbered sequentially.
- Results, Discussions, and Conclusions should be given at the end of the main text.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest:
All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest stage possible.
Acknowledgment (if any) should be given after the conclusion of the main text.
References should be arranged serially according to Alphabetic Sequential Order.
The serial number of References should be numbered in Capital Roman Numbers
Example of References are given below :
References should be serially in roman numbers and given at the end of the paper in the following way:
I. Armstrong-Hélouvry, Brian (1991). Control of machines with friction. Springer.
II. Brezis,H.(1968), Equations et Inequations Non Lineaires dans les EspacesVectorielsenDualite. Ann.Inst.Fourier,vol.18,pp. 115-175.
III. Dowson, Duncan (1997). History of Tribology, 2nd Edition. Wiley; 2 edition (March 6, 1998).
IV. J. L. Lions and G. Stampacchia.(1967), variational Inequalities, comm.on Pure and Applied Math., Vol XX, PP.493-519.
V. M. Chipotand G., Michaille, (1989), Uniqueness results and monotonicity properties for strongly nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities, AnnalidellaScuolaNormaleSuperiore di Pisa,4(16), pp. 137-166.
VI. Meriam, J. L, and L. G. Kraige. (2002), Engineering Mechanics (fifth ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
VII. R. C. Hibbele, (2007). Engineering Mechanics, (Eleventh ed.). Pearson, Prentice-Hall.
VIII. Ruina, Andy, and Rudra Pratap (2002). Introduction to Statics and Dynamics. Oxford university press.
IX. Stuart S. Antman,(1983),” The Influence of Elasticity in Analysis: Modern Developments”, American Mathematical Society 9 (3), pp 267-291.
X. Van Beek, Anton. “History of Science Friction”.
Sample Journal Format :
A sample copy of a paper template in .doc or .docx Format of a published paper (Download ).
Acceptance of a paper :
The final decision regarding the publication of the article is made by the Chief Editor upon recommendation by the Editorial Board of the Journal. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, it must not be published in any other journal.
- A copy of the Article will be sent to the 1st Author / Corresponding Author in PDF format for necessary correction as final Pre – Publication proof in the attached file.
- Author/s must highlight the incorrect portion of the Article by underlining in RED COLOUR on the Copy (PDF) for proof.
- Author/s must re-submit the corrected copy of the Article in MS WORD highlighting the corrected portion by underlining in RED COLOUR in the attached file along with the highlighted incorrect copy (PDF) for final proof WITHIN THREE (3) DAYS
- If no change is required please mention that and return the final proof copy (PDF) in the attached file WITHIN THREE (3) DAYS
- No major changes will be allowed in the full text of the paper at the time of the final Pre – Publication Proof submission. The only corrections will be allowed.
- Any change in the Article will not be allowed after publication.
- Please communicate to the Technical Team only. Technical Team JMCMS:
Copyright of the Article is not reserved by the journal, Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences. The Journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and to use them for any other law full purpose. The Journal has a Creative Common License ( CC BY – SA).
Call for Papers:
Authors are cordially invited to submit their research papers
ONLINE in .doc or .docx format in the attached file to the Chief Editor at e-mail: or Technical Team e-mail: Manuscript submitted to the journal will be considered for publication with the understanding that the same research paper or a part of it has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Each Article for publication is checked by licensed Plagiarism software checker DOCOLOC, GERMANY. The maximum Plagiarism limit for an article excluding references of the text is 10%. Authors must be aware that attempts to pass off the work, words, or ideas of another as one’s own is regarded as unethical. Authors should also note that presenting text and figures of previously published work without reference is considered as self-plagiarism.
Plagiarism includes directly copying others’ work, copying substantial amounts/elements of another work, and also paraphrasing another work without due credit.
All authors must take care to cite and acknowledge all works that have influenced or been used to produce the submitted manuscript, including previous works by the author themselves.
To minimize the occurrence of plagiarism, JMCMS enlists the use of CrossCheck to randomly check submitted manuscripts against a database of works.
Publication Procedure:

After submission of an Article Author/s may find the status of the paper on the website of the journal within one week. The article will be sent to 3 Reviewers : (A) Spelling and Grammar mistake checking. (B) To peer Reviewers 2nd & 3rd for checking the quality of the Article (C) If there is a difference of opinion between 2nd & 3rd Reviewers the article will be sent to the 4th reviewer to take final decisions regarding the quality of the paper. An average time 4 weeks will be required to conclude the Reviewing process. All the reviewer’s reports will be placed in a meeting of the editorial board within one week. After the final decision of the editorial board acceptance letters will be issued by the Chief Editor of the Journal to the successful Authors for publication. 2 Weeks Average time will be required for publication after the final decision of the Editorial Board. Average 8 weeks will be required between submission and publication of an article.
Peer Review Policy

Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences (JMCMS) is having ISSN 0973-8975 (Print), and ISSN 2454-7190 (online) monthly international journal, is published by the Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences (IMCMS), Kolkata (W.B.), India since the year 2006.
Reviewers play a central role in scholarly publishing. Journal uses a double-blind peer-review process, which means that both the reviewer(s) and author(s) identities are concealed from the reviewer(s), and vice versa, throughout the review process. This means that the reviewer(s) of the paper won’t get to know the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) won’t get to know the identity of the reviewer(s). Peer review helps validate research, establish a method by which it can be evaluated, and increase networking possibilities within research communities. Despite criticisms, peer review is still the only widely accepted method for research validation.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by a double-blind peer review process, which may take a minimum of 01 to 04 weeks from the date of submission. We are advising all the author(s), do not submit the same paper to the multiple journals. Author(s) should wait for the review status of the paper.
Journal is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of entirely accepted papers. To maintain a high-quality publication, all submissions undergo a rigorous review process. Characteristics of the peer review process are as follows:
- Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different journals will not be tolerated.
- Manuscripts with contents outside the scope will not be considered for review.
- Papers will be refereed by at least 3 or 4 experts (reviewers) as suggested by the editorial board.
- Also, Editors will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed.
- The authors will be informed when Editors decide further review is required. All publication decisions are made by the journal’s Chief Editor on the basis of the referees’ reports (reviewers report).
- Authors of papers that are not accepted are notified promptly.
- All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the double-blind review process.
- All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal cross-checked for plagiarism software. Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during the initial stages of review are out-rightly rejected and not considered for publication in the journal.
- In case if a manuscript is found to be plagiarized (see plagiarism policy) after publication, the Chief Editor will conduct a preliminary investigation, maybe with the help of a suitable committee constituted for the purpose. If the manuscript is found to be plagiarized beyond the acceptable limits, the journal will contact the author’s Institute / College / University and Funding Agency, if any.
Prior publication
Your submission may be similar to, or an update of, one previously published article by you. If this is the case, your manuscript must be a minimum of 90% different from the previous article and you must cite it as a reference.
Your present submission should not have been published, or be under peer review, elsewhere (dual submission). If this is discovered, it will be rejected and we will not consider further work from you for two years.
Article Processing Charges(APC):
All articles published in the Open Access journal, JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES is not free of cost but for the article submission, subscription fees and pay per view are free of cost. Article-processing charges provide free access to the full text, maximizing the exposure of the author’s research results to readers and also to cover securing inclusion in Crossref and Crossref- cited-linking, peer review, copy editing, long term archiving, and journal management. The authors are requested to pay Rs.8400.00 or 120$ (equivalent / Approx) For papers over 15 pages according to our journal format, an extra charge of Rs.350.00, or 5$ (equivalent / Approx) per article page has to be paid. We accept payment in Indian currency only. The extra amount required for Fund Transfer has to be borne by the Author/s only. Article-processing charges should be paid after receiving the acceptance letter only. Article Processing Charge once paid is non-refundable. The decision taken by the Executive Committee of the Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences is final.
If an article is found to be a very high-quality article the Cheif-Editor can waive publication charges partially or completely on the basis of the decision of the editorial board.
Note that many nations and private research funding organizations and universities explicitly cover APC for an article from different funded research projects.
Special Issue :
The Journal Publishes National or International Conference Papers organized by University, Institute, College, or Any Recognized Organization of the World. Conference Papers are Reviewed by In- house Editorial Board Members and Associate Editors of Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences. A good number of Guest Editors may be engaged in reviewing the conference papers along with our regular reviewers if there are a large number of papers. Article Processing Charge per Paper of Special Issue is Rs 7000.00 or 100$ (equivalent / Approx). Article Processing Charge once paid is non-refundable. The decision taken by the Executive Committee of the Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences is final.
Statement of Ethics and Anti – Piracy Policy
Language of Manuscript
Language of Manuscript must be in English language only
1.Rigorous peer review by international experts
2.Editorial support and guidance
3.Professional copy-editing, typesetting, and proof-reading
1.Inclusion in major science and engineering databases
2.Optimized for discovery in Google and scholarly search engines
Promoted to selected audiences, international conferences, and through science and engineering social networks
Anti-Piracy Policy
JMCMS proactively screens websites for illegal download links of JMCMS and subsequently requires hosts of such download sites to remove and delete the files or links in question to protect our authors´ rights and interests,
A collective effort between the JMCMS and legal teams together with an external IT partner has put efficient methods to detect illegal download links of JMCMS. Automated searching by special algorithms as well as acting on tip-offs and information from JMCMS authors and editors are common measures to detect and remove illegal download files. We have been pleased to observe immediate positive results in the number of links that have been disabled.
The anti-piracy policy has been successfully adopted by the latest technology to the piracy cases reported by authors or editors.
JMCMS Publishing reserves the right to subject an author to sanction if found in breach of good editorial/publishing practice. Articles may be retracted, published with a note of correction or apology or no longer welcome to submit work to our journal for two years at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Responsibility of Author(s)
While submitting your article to a journal, JMCMS, you are requested to confirm your agreement in line with your responsibility as an author. These must be written truthfully to the best of your knowledge.
When an author(s) submitting an Article to JMCMS, please ensure the following points :
- The submitted article is the authors’ original work.
- The article is not currently under review/ submitted elsewhere.
- The article has not been previously published.
- All authors have seen and approved the manuscript and have agreed to its submission to JMCMS Publishing.
- Any conflicts of interest should be declared on submission.
- All relevant publications that have been used in or have helped in the production of the submitted work have been cited as references
- Permission has been sought and granted to use any figures included whose copyright belongs to someone
Version of record
Once published either in print or online, your work will be the version-of-online record in the public domain. Changes cannot be made to articles after publication
Acknowledgment of sources
All work that has been used in the article presented, including the author(s)’ own previous publications should be acknowledged, reference, and cited. If any personal communications (conversations, correspondence, etc) are referred to or used in the manuscript, the author must seek written permission from the source to use. If an article reproduces research material, tables, images, the author must seek permission to use that material and fully acknowledge the owner and/or copyright owner. The authors should refer to the permission guidelines for authors for further information.
Report to us immediately regarding the following points :
1. If you can download content without any barriers such as installations etc., it is likely that you have discovered a case of piracy. Get in touch with the JMCMS editorial team immediately.
2. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks (torrents) need to be differentiated: they are not run by one host but by a network of private computers. Though they rarely present a threat to journal content, you should be extremely cautious.
3. Downloading content automatically means uploading content from your PC. This can cause legal problems. We strongly recommend to avoid it. Don’t install sharing clients such as “Utorrent” or others.
4.JMCMS links from P2P networks cannot be deactivated. But when detected, the individual file-sharer will be sued.
JMCMS will put all sorts of efforts to target illegal download files and supports, new developments, and initiatives to prevent journal piracy. If you are a JMCMS author and have encountered illegal versions of your JMCMS, please get in touch with the JMCMS editorial team and help us to protect your rights.