
Niranjan Bora,Bhargab Jyoti Saikia,Bharati Borgohain,Kaushik Das,Barnali Sharma,



Industry 4.0,Industry 5.0,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Cryptography,Machine Learning,Optimization Techniques,Quantum Computing,Robotics,


The fourth industrial revolution, in short Industry 4.0 is the next stage in the digitization of the industrial sector and is being driven by disruptive trends including the growth of data and connectivity, analytics, human-machine interaction, and advancements in robotics. For the past ten years, Industry 4.0 consistently addressed both the industry’s strengths and weaknesses. Industry 4.0 is limited by the higher productivity that smart manufacturing systems provide. The new version of Industry 4.0 is termed Industry 5.0 and it refers to the fifth industrial revolution and is an emerging concept that builds on the advancements of Industry 4.0. Thus, industry 5.0 is an extension and further advancement of Industry 4.0, which focuses on automation, connectivity, and data exchange in manufacturing processes. Industry 5.0 introduces a new level of human-machine collaboration and emphasizes the importance of human creativity and skills alongside advanced technologies. This study discusses the opportunities and directions of future mathematical research towards Industry 5.0.


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