
Supriya Sahu,Bijaya Kumar Mohapatra,Subash Ranjan Kabat,Sampurna Panda,Sunita Pahadasingh,Bibhu Prasad Ganthia,



Multilevel inverter (MLI),photovoltaic (PV),total harmonic distortion (THD),solar,sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM),


The detailed examination of utilizing renewable energy sources, particularly integrating Photovoltaic (PV) arrays and Multilevel Inverters (MLI), is thorough and underscores the importance of addressing environmental issues linked to fossil fuels. The selection of Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) and its benefits, such as low switching losses and high efficiency, are well-articulated. The simulation results showing sinusoidal waveforms for resistive loads and the focus on reducing Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) using an LC filter further highlight the commitment to achieving high-quality power output. THD reduction is crucial for maintaining the stability and reliability of power systems. The incorporation of a seven-level MLI adds complexity and sophistication to the system, potentially allowing for more precise control over the output waveform and enhancing the overall performance of the renewable energy system. The consideration of factors like efficiency, reliability, and grid compatibility aligns with best practices in the design and implementation of renewable energy systems. Your approach clearly aligns with the broader industry trend towards cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions. Overall, the strategic and effective use of renewable energy, SPWM for control, addressing THD through an LC filter, and incorporating an eleven-level MLI showcases multi-order harmonic elimination for maximum power generation as presented in this paper.


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