
Valery Lyublinskiy,Vladislav Struchkov,




Welded joints,Shear bonds,Torsion,Panel buildings,Stress-strain state,


The spatial rigidity and strength of precast multi-story buildings are largely determined by the rigidity of the shear bonds connecting the vertical load-bearing reinforced concrete structures. When a horizontal load is applied in asymmetrical in-plan load-bearing systems of multi-story buildings, torsion occurs. In vertical shear bonds, especially those located furthest from the center of rigidity, a torque appears. This article presents the results of experimental studies of welded joints of precast buildings under the action of shear and torsion. The research study has been conducted using full-scale samples of shear bonds. The samples have been loaded with a static load vertical shear force and horizontal torsion moment. Various loading conditions are considered. Deformation diagrams of shear bonds were obtained. The limit state of a welded joint under shear and shear with torsion is described. The obtained experimental data on the rigidity of shear connections can be used in mathematical models for determining the stress-strain state of load-bearing systems of panel multi-story buildings.


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