
Nepoleon Prabakaran,Harold Andrew Patrick,K. Sankar Ganesh,V.P. Sriram,



Cultural intelligence,Job performance,Job satisfaction,Software professionals,Work adjustment,


Globalization has led to an increase in cultural diversity in the software business, meaning that workers need to be culturally intelligent (CQ) to communicate with coworkers from various backgrounds and successfully navigate various organizational cultures. However, there is a lack of research on the influence of CQ on work adjustment among Indian software professionals working in culturally different states. Additionally, the relationship between CQ, job characteristics, and work adjustment remains unclear. This study aims to investigate the impact of CQ on job satisfaction and performance and identify areas for improvement in creating equitable and multicultural work environments. The findings will contribute to enhancing employees' cultural intelligence and promoting better work adjustment in the context of increasing cultural diversity and globalization. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which cultural intelligence can enhance work adjustment by exploring its impact on employees' job satisfaction and job performance. The study's ultimate sample size of 485 respondents was obtained using standardized instruments in a quantitative and cross-sectional methodology. Google Forms software was utilized to distribute the questionnaires online. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into effective strategies for enhancing employees' cultural intelligence and promoting better work adjustment in the context of globalization and increasing cultural diversity in the workplace.


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