
Arijit Mishra,Pinku Chandra Dey,Kamal Jyoti Barman,




Zumkeller number,banana graph,friendship graph,firecracker graph,tadpole graph,graph labeling.,


Let G be any graph. Then a one-one function f:V→ N is said to be a k-Zumkeller labeling of G if the induced function f^*: E→N defined by f^* (xy) =f(x)f(y) satisfies the following conditions: (i) For every xy∈E, f^* (xy) is a Zumkeller number. (ii) |f^* (E)|=k, where |f^* (E)| denotes the number of distinct Zumkeller numbers on the edges of G. In this paper, we prove the existence of k-Zumkeller labeling for certain graphs like tadpole, banana, friendship, and firecracker graphs.


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