Srijit Panja,DOI NO:
Natural Language Processing,Text Embedding,Text token,Gravitation,Abstract
Present-day computational capabilities allow digital assets like images, videos, text, and audio have features comparable to those in real-world entities. Location is one such aspect. Similar to real-world bodies being represented by vectors on cartesian coordinates, digital media entities (like text, as discussed in this paper) when encoded, each component of the encoding representing a feature, conceptually should have a vector representation in each such encoding. The concept is put to practice by text encodings (embedding) techniques like Bag-of-words, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, Glove, and Transformer models like BERT, AlBERT etc which create vectors out of the text. This paper aims to use a combination of features in text analogous to mass and distance and propose a new plagiarism index cloning the formula of gravitational force. Parameters like the length of documents/number of words, semantics, frequency of each word, etc, one or many of which are often missed out in prevalent algorithms of text similarity calculations, are important for detecting and measuring plagiarism. The paper aims to consider all such possible parameters in the formulation of a new plagiarism metric to be coined as Gravity Score.Refference:
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