Asim Ali,Said ul Abrar,Safyan Ahmed,Sheeraz Ahmed,Ubaid Ullah,Muhammad Habib Ullah,Muhammad Tayyab,DOI NO:
colonoscopy,Machine learning,Medicine,Health System,immunotherapy,Abstract
An affected person notices an effortless rash over his shoulder but does not get treatment. His spouse suggests he visit the hospital for a physician after few months, who will provide treatment a seborrhea keratosis. Afterward, when the patient went through a colonoscopy screening, a black shaded macule on his shoulder was noticed by a nurse and advises him to evaluate it. Then he takes it to a dermatologist after one month and takes a biopsy specimen for the lesion. Through which they find out a non-dangerous near to cancer but not cancer symptoms. A second reading of the biopsy specimen was suggested by the dermatologist. After that, they started to do the treatment by systematic chemotherapy. One friend who was a physician told the patient why he is not giving a try to immunotherapy.Refference:
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