W. A. Shaikh,A. G. Shaikh,M. Memon,A. H. Sheikh,A. A. Shaikh,DOI NO:
Numerical hybrid iterative technique,Nonlinear equations in one variable,Bracketing iterative method,Newton Raphson's iterative method,Taylor series method,Abstract
In recent years, some improvements have been suggested in the literature that has been a better performance or nearly equal to existing numerical iterative techniques (NIT). The efforts of this study are to constitute a Numerical Hybrid Iterative Technique (NHIT) for estimating the real root of nonlinear equations in one variable (NLEOV) that accelerates convergence. The goal of the development of the NHIT for the solution of an NLEOV assumed various efforts to combine the different methods. The proposed NHIT is developed by combining the Taylor Series method (TSM) and Newton Raphson's iterative method (NRIM). MATLAB and Excel software has been used for the computational purpose. The developed algorithm has been tested on variant NLEOV problems and found the convergence is better than bracketing iterative method (BIM), which does not observe any pitfall and is almost equivalent to NRIM.
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