
Pinaki Pal,Asish Mitra,



5PL Function,Covid-19 Pandemic,Daily Growth Rate,Iceland,Simulation,Tipping Point,


Right now, investigations are rigorously carried out on modeling the dynamic progress of (Covid-19) pandemic around the globe. Here we introduce a simple mathematical model for analyzing the dynamics of the Covid-19, considering only the number of cumulative cases. In the present work, the 5PL function is applied to study the Covid-19 spread in Iceland. The cumulative number of infected persons C(t) has been accurately fitted with the 5PL equation, giving rise to different epidemiological parameters. The result of the current examination reveals the effectiveness and efficacy of the 5PL function for exploring the Covid 19 dynamics in Iceland. The mathematical model is simple enough such that practitioners knowing algebra and non-linear regression analysis can employ it to examining the pandemic situation in different countries.


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