Warda Gul,Azka Nawaz,Hamaz,Maria Tariq,Hamayun Khan,DOI NO:
Transport infrastructure,leadership competency,project type,project success,process moderation,competency school of leadership,Abstract
Infrastructure advancement reflects its key role in the financial and socio-economic progression of Pakistan. Project execution and accomplishment majorly depend on the leadership competencies. The dynamics of leadership define the influence of a leader i.e. project manager in lead on his team to complete any type of project and make it a success. The objective of the study is to investigate the influence of project managers’ leadership competencies in light of theory explaining “The Competency School of Leadership” coupled with specific project types on project success outcomes for transport infrastructure projects. A structured questionnaire-based survey was conducted to collect data using purposive sampling from individuals that are currently or have been involved in recently completed projects in the transport infrastructure development of Lahore. A total of 152 useful responses were returned. Findings obtained using moderated regression analysis using Andrew Hayes ‘process’ technique suggest that leadership competence of project managers is insignificant for successful completion of the projects under a particular project type. Results suggest that the project managers in a leadership position when effectively and efficiently utilize their competencies of intellectual strength, managerial procedures and emotional balance for successful actualization of transport infrastructure projects. Moreover, it has been found that project managers in these projects exhibit efficacious leadership competencies that are substantial without regard to any project type in certain for their successful completion.Refference:
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