
Md. Abdul Hakim,Mohammad Anwar Hossen,M Sharif Uddin,




Inventory,deterioration,partially backlogged shortages ,permissible delay in payment,


In this paper, we have developed an inventory model for deteriorating items withprice and time dependentdemand considering inflation effect on the system. Shortages ifany are allowed and partially backlogged with a variable rate dependent on the durationof waiting time up to the arrival of next lot. The corresponding problem has beenformulated as a nonlinear constrained optimization problem, all the cost parameters arecrisp valued and solved. A numerical example has been considered to illustrate the modeland the significant features of the results are discussed. Finally, based on these examples,a sensitivity analyses have been studied by taking one parameter at a time keeping theother parameters as same.


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Author(s): Md. Abdul Hakim, Mohammad Anwar Hossen, M Sharif Uddin View Download