
Noor T. Jabury,Nada A.Z. Abdullah,



Arabic keywords,keywords extraction,logistic regression,


Keywords Express the main content of the document or article, they are an important component since they provide a summary of the article’s content. Keywords also play an important role in information retrieval systems, bibliographic databases, and search engine optimization. The manual assignment of high-quality keywords is expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. In this paper, an automatic keyword extraction model, based on the Logistic Regression algorithm is proposed and implemented. The model consists of three main stages:  preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification stage to select the keywords. In experimental results 40 Arabic documents are used from two Arabic journals (AJSP and JJSS ), the results are promising; the average accuracy is 0.91 with average precision 0.86 for the AJSP dataset, the average accuracy is 0.90with average precision 0.83 for the JJSS dataset.


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