Gamini Suresh,K.Balakrishna Reddy, M.Nagarjuna,DOI NO:
Shank-foot manipulator, Control,Desired Trajectory generation,Abstract
Exoskeletons and external assistive devices for human locomotion plays an predominant role in now a days. To assist elderly people and injured content, a shank foot manipulator is modelled and analysed. This shank foot manipulator is a 2 degree of freedom link which is represented by dynamic equation of non linear differential equation. Numerical solution is employed to obtain the closed form solutions. The trajectory generated by the manipulator is discussed with the control strategies like computed torque control with the use of MATLAB. Due to the uncertainties and non linearity nature, it becomes complex to attain the motion control in a accurate position. With the ease of computed torque control, the manipulator is made to be in a desired position.Refference:
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