
Lyudmila V.Osipova,Tatiana A. Kurnosova,Irina A.Bykovskaya,Maria T.Mukhina,



Spring barley,stress,productivity,nutrients,


Obtaining stable yields of spring barley grain in conditions of global climate change is possible only with the use of highly resistant varieties that are responsive to the use of mineral fertilizers.Physiological and biochemical studies are necessary for an objective assessment of the varieties resistanceto stresses, developing during the critical period of the generative organs forming, which leads to theyield shortage. These studies are also necessary for developing ways to increase productivity. The purpose of this work was to study the physiological and biochemical reactions of varieties to the effects of stress, changes in the background of mineral nutrition and the use of biogenic elements of selenium and silicon. Studies were performed during laboratory and vegetative experiments. The objects of the study were two varieties of spring barley:NurandMoskovsky2, which were different in initial resistance. Abiotic stress was modeledin laboratory experiments using an osmotic active solution of sucrose, as well as in vegetative experiments by stopping watering at the sixth stage of organogenesis (watering was resumed after reaching permanent wilting point). Different levels of mineral nutrition were created by adding salt when establishing vegetative experiment. There were two mineral nutritionbackgrounds: background I –NPK(100mg/kg of soil) and background II – NPK(300 mg/kg of soil). Theseedspretreatmentwas carried out in the control with water, in experimental variants with solutions of sodium silicate (0.15%) and sodium selenite (0.01%), taken in equal proportions in the amount of 5% of thetreated seeds weight. The complex of physiological and biochemical parameters was determined, including the level of free-radical oxidationby the content of malondialdehyde, the content of photosynthetic pigments, the exoosmos of leaf electrolytes, the absorbing activity of the roots by the ability to absorbthetagged nitrogen, the linear dimensions of the apex and its water content, water-holding capacity of the leaves. Studiesrevealed differences in the reaction of seedlings to stress. The growth function of the Moskovsky 2 varietywasosmoticallyinhibited to a greater extent and the content of malondialdehydeincreased, indicating a lower adaptability of theMoskovsky2 variety, compared to theNur variety. It was revealed that the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers depends on the varietal specificity of barley, due to the genetic characteristics of plants, as well as on the level of mineral nutrition. Thus, a high level of mineral nutrition contributed to the rapid recovery of the physiological functions of the Nur variety after stress and did not affect the recovery of the Moskovsky 2 variety. It was also established that the seeds pretreatment with selenium and silicon increased the productivity of the varieties, both under optimal growing conditions and under the action of stress for both varieties. The obtained results also show that the physiological and biochemical parameters allow us to quickly and accurately determine the effect of stress on the plant. The obtained data can be used to optimize nutrition in the cultivation of the above-mentioned varieties without loss of yield under stress conditions.


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