
Anatoliy N. Boitsov,EvgeniyV.Osipov,AnatoliyI.Shevchenko,SvetlanaV.Lisienko,VladimirE.Valkov,



Flexible spreading devices,trawl system,trawl system control,


A Special Issue on “Quantative Methods in Modern Science” organized by Academic Paper Ltd.,Russia.  
The flexible spreading device for replacing the boards in the trawl fishing systems was developed at the beginning of the 1990s and, as a result, the these devices could be used only during the coastal fishery, since the device was developed by means of experimental research. However, the flexible spreading devices failed to get a more widespread use because there were no calculation methodologies. So, this paper is aimed at developing the calculation methodologies of the flexible spreading devices and their control system. Two methodologies of calculating the flexible spreading devices are offered, the first methodology makes it possible, with the knowledge of an area and hydrodynamic characteristics of the trawl boards, to calculate the design characteristics of the flexible spreading devices, while the second methodology makes it possible, with the use of the aggregate trawl resistance with the specified design values, to calculate the design characteristics of the flexible spreading devices. The results of calculating the projected areas of the flexible spreading devices on two methodologies are coinciding with each other, which confirms the adequacy of the offered methodologies of calculating the projected areas of the flexible spreading devices, since the trawl developers took into account the tractive and speed characteristics of the vessels and the characteristics of the trawl boards as a whole. The results of calculating the control system of the flexible spreading devices on the methodology, which is offered in the paper, in comparison with the experimental research conducted are differing in 2%. As the methodologies are convenient, the factory workers were able to calculate and to made the flexible spreading devices according to these methodologies, and the fishery with those devices made it possible to increase the trawling speed by 1 knot and, as a consequence, to increase the takes by 10-15%.  


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