
Mels T. Oshakbaev,Ersin A. Tusipkaliyev,MizambekN. Baimbetov,Zhaniya N. Kaynarbaeva,Gulim D. Baybatyrova,Bekzat K. Abayyldanov,




Oil sludge,bituminous soil,fractional distillation;gas chromatography,infrared spectrometry,atomic absorption spectroscopy,


Over the past decades, environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources in the conditions of development and rapid growth of industrial production, especially in the oil and gas industry, have become the most pressing problems. In this regard, the issues of sparingof oil and gas resources and recycling of waste into target products, the introduction of non-waste technology in the Mangystau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are considered to be of paramount importance. The present study on the production monitoring of oil-saturated wastessoil cover in the Mangystau oil field and the subdivisions of OzenMunayGazJSC of the Mangystauregion of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out on the basis of “Methodological recommendations for conducting comprehensive research and assessing environmental pollution in areas that are likely to be affected by intense anthropogenic impact.”The use of oil resources, transportation of oil and oil products is accompanied by the emergence and wide spread of various environmental problems causing technological, biological and other negative effects to the environment. In the fields of oil and gas production, tens of thousands of tons of oil sludge are formed annually, a certain part of this amount beingstored in sludge collectors or in special areas designated for this purpose. Oil sludge is waste generated during the extraction, transportation and refining of oil from which it is possible to produce target products. The chemical composition and physical-mechanical properties of various groups of oil sludge are very diverse.The organic part of oil sludge contains 80% of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, of which paraffin-naphthenic hydrocarbons make up 74-75%, resins - 21-22% and asphaltenes -3-4%. The organic fraction of oil sludge contains phenols in the amount  of 0.075-0.0144 mg/dm3. In bituminous soils, on the contrary, 75% is the inorganic part of the soil cover. The organic part contains organometallic compounds, where vanadium and titanium have the highest content (1,990-2,000 mg/kg and 970-1,000 mg/kg, respectively). In this regard, there is a need to monitor the area and to implement a set of effective measures to protect it against the adverse effects on public health and the environment. This article presents the main components of the organic and inorganic parts of oil sludge and bituminous soilsof the landfills of JSC “OzenMunayGas.” The organic part of sludge contains paraffin hydrocarbons, resinous compounds and organometallic complexes. The analysis of oil sludge shows the potential of its use for the production of paraffins, bitumen and the extraction of metals.


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