
Natalya M. Mudrykh,Svetlana A. Semakova,



Tubers,quality,processing,storage conditions,correlation coefficient,statistical indicators,information and logical analysis,


Modern society is paying more and more attention to healthy nutrition. Urgent issues are the spread of diabetes and the possibility of reducing its negative impact on the human body. According to statistics, more than 4 million patients in Russia have been registered with this disease, the overwhelming majority suffering from type II diabetes. Therefore, scientists worldwide are studying the products containing inulin, and one of its sources is the Jerusalem artichoke. Interest in this plant lies not only in the fact that its tubers contain functional nutrient in the form of inulin (2-20%) but also in the fact that they are rich in dietary fiber, macro-, microelements and contain almost all the essential amino acids that allow keeping the body at a high immune level. The present research studies the influence of the storage conditions and period of Jerusalem artichoke tubers on its chemical composition. The correlation coefficient helped establish linear structural relationships between quality indicators and storage conditions, according to which the carbohydrate, vitamin C and dry matter content primarily depend on the temperature regime (r = -0.8 - (- 0.4)). The information-logical method made it possible to confirm the previously established correlation interrelations. The obtained models for assessing the quality of tubers (including inulin content), depending on the storage and temperature regime, allow promptly changing the storage conditions, if necessary. The analysis made it possible to single out a promising variety for industrial processing as an additive in the preparation of soft drinks such as sbiten. The authors established the optimal shelf life of the beverage so that it does not change from the category of non-alcoholic concentrates to fermented beverages; this allows preserving the size of tariffs.


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