
Elena Simonova,Musheg Ayrapetyan,Irina Denisova,Natalia Vertiy,



Winter wheat,seed quality,enzymes,amylase,catalase,peroxidase,seed material,ultraviolet irradiation,


Natural ultraviolet radiation is one of the major environmental factors that have an impact on plant organisms. The article shows that the use of artificial sources of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, mercury-quartz lamps, such as BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 in crop production accelerates the processes of germination and increase the germinating power by activation of enzymes. The use of UV radiation sources for the stimulation of germinating seeds is relevant and highly-demanded, as it is an environmentally safe technology for pre-sowing seed stimulation in agricultural production. The use of a BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 mercury-quartz lamp to stimulate physiological and biochemical processes in germinating seeds allowed us to identify different levels of enzyme activity depending on the time of exposure to irradiation. After soaking the winter wheat seeds in distilled water, they were irradiated using a BNPO 2-30-001U 3.5 mercury-quartz lamp, and, as the seeds swelled and germinated, the activity of amylase, catalase and peroxidase was determined. During the experiment, optimal regimes of seed irradiation by an UV source were established. The seeds exposed to radiation for three and five minutes, showed a 8.2 and 10.5% increase in laboratory germination compared to the control, and a 27.8 and 29.5% increase in germinating power, respectively. Comprehensive studies of the effect of UV radiation on enzyme activity during the germination of wheat seeds under different irradiation regimes showed the maximum increase in amylase activity on the fourth day from the beginning of germination and the increase in this indicator by 58.6 and 64.1%, respectively, compared to the control condition. Catalase activity reached its maximum ​​by the fourth day from the beginning of seed germination in variants that had been exposed to a three- and five-minute irradiation and was higher than that in the control variant by 14.7% and 17.7%, respectively. The peak of peroxidase activity was observed on the eighth day from the beginning of the germination of winter wheat seeds in all variants of the experiment, but in the variants with three- and five-minute irradiation, the peroxidase activity was higher than the control values by 50%, and with a five-minute irradiation – by 55%.  


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