
Liliya K. Dobrodeeva,Anna V.Samodova,Svetlana N. Balashova,




Cold,photoperiod,venous blood,capillary blood,neutrophils,lymphocytes,monocytes,cytokines,irisin,


The present article describes a comparative study on the cellular reactions in capillary and venous blood in northerners under general hypothermia in a climatic chamber during different photoperiods. The authors examined 108 relatively healthy people that lived in Archangelsk (80 women and 28 men aged 21 to 50 years old). It was established that total neutrophil count in venous blood was lowerby 8.07±0.41%, monocyte count – by 51.32±1.03% and basophil count – by 50.21±1.24% than in capillary blood, but the lymphocyte count was higher by 25.23±0.41% due to smaller forms that are known to be recirculating. After a 5-minute period in a climatic chamber (“USHZ-25N”, Russia) at -25º,25 volunteers (27.53%)during a polar night and 16 volunteers during a polar day had elevated levels of neutrophils in the venous blood due to the increase in the levels of TNF-α in blood and decrease in noradrenaline, adrenaline, and irisin.During a summer period, the increase in monocyte count contributed to the reactions of neutrophils. The volunteers that reacted to short-term general hypothermia with an increase in the neutrophil count had the following peculiarities in the venous blood: general neutrophil count and their phagocytic activity, lymphocyte count, including CD71+, ATP in lymphocytes, adrenaline, TNF-α and irisin levels were higher in blood serum. The content of endothelin-1 did not change significantly.


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