Taisiya D.Chermenskaya,Viktor I. Dolzenko,MaryaO.Petrova,AleksandrB.Laptiev,DOI NO:
Insecticide,active ingredient,alpha-cypermethrin,imidacloprid,clothianidin,stonefruit and berry crops,chromatography,Abstract
The technology of agricultural production involves the use of a significant amount of various pesticides, which is necessary to increase the yield and ensure production quality. In 2014, the consumption of chemical protective meansin Russiaamounted to 54.3 thousand tons, which is 97.3% of the total amount of pesticides consumed. Many specialists consider chemical methods of pest control to be the most effective. However, we should not forget that the preparations used for treating plants are not harmless and do not always completely decompose before harvesting. The aim of the present work was to study the dynamics of residualquantities of alpha-cypermethrin, imidacloprid, and clothianidin, the active ingredients(125+100+50 g/l) of suspension concentrate (SC) of “Batraider”insecticide in fruits and juice of cherry and black currant after treatment of thevegetative culture. The determination of alpha-cypermethrin, imidacloprid, and clothianidinwasperformed by gas-liquid and high-performance liquid chromatography. The study of decomposition dynamics of the active ingredients of the insecticide revealed that their content was rapidly decreasing.On the 20th day after application,italready was at ½ of Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) and further theywere not detected in any of the studied cultures in all of the considered climatic zones. Thus, the use of “Batrider”insecticide (SC) provides reliable protection to crops and allows one to get high-quality and safe products that can be consumed or used for production of juices and baby food.Refference:
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