
Svetlana A. Dvinskikh,Adeliya A. Shaydulina,Aleksandr B. Kitaev,Aleksandr T. Zinov`ev,



Reservoir,variable backwater,modelling,water level,velocities,direction of flows,grain-size analysis,bed sediments,basin topography/relief,


The paper deals with the specific features of hydrological regime of valley reservoir in the variable-backwater zone. The emphasis is on the level regime, used to identifythree sections within the zone in question: upstream section (river conditions prevail), midsection (there are both river and reservoir conditions), downstream section (basic reservoir conditions). The distinctivecharacteristicsofvelocitieswithintheidentifiedsectionswereassessed through analyzing actual velocities and comparing them with the scouring ones. A non-dimensional coefficient was suggested that exhibits tendencies in the processes of transforming water facility basin. 3D hydrodynamic model was designed using Navier-Stokes equations. It takes into consideration turbulent exchange, special features of hydrological regimeof a reservoir and grain size of sediments.Model testing using actual material showed that it can be utilized for applied purpose: to design the navigable channel project and forecast the reservoir basin topography in the variable-backwater zone.


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