
Tatyana V. Kushnareva,



Small mammals,epizootologic monitoring,Hantaan,Amur,Hokkaido,Vladivostok hantaviruses,hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS),natural foci,PrimorskyKrai,


The 1999–2012 monitoring of epizootic situation registered active natural foci of the Hantaan, Amur, Hokkaido and Vladivostok hantaviruses, the first two of which cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). The peculiar features of the forest and forest–steppe natural foci of hantaviruses were revealed. In the southwest parts of the region in the forest–steppe foci, Apodemusagrarius and Microtusfortis infected with the Hantaan and Vladivostok hantaviruses respectively were found; in the forest foci of the central and northeast parts, Apodemuspeninsulae and Myodesrufocanus infected with the Amur and Hokkaido viruses were registered. In all phases of the epizootic cycle, the indicators of number and contamination in mice populations were much higher as compared with vole populations. HFRS incidence in the forest–steppe and forest focal territories correlated with the activity of the Hantaan and Amur virus foci respectively. The results of the monitoring allowed us to determine the threshold indicators of number and contamination of small mammals (SM) at which aggravation of HFSR epidemic situation occurs in the forest–steppe and forest foci of hantaviruses. In case of increased epizootic activity in the Apodemus mice populations, it is necessary to carry out a complex of preventive measures against HFRS.


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