Fault Detection in Engineering Application using Fuzzy Petri net and Abduction Technique


Sudipta Ghosh,Nabanita Das,Debasish Kunduand,Gopal Paul,




Fuzzy abduction ,Petri net,Relational matrix,Abductive Reasoning,


This paper addresses onengineering application using fuzzy abductionandPetrinettechnique. The problems are introduced informallyabout the fault finding technique ofelectronic networks with different illustrations,so that anyone without any background inthe specific domain easily understands them.and easily find out the fault of thecomplicatedelectronic circuit.The problems require either a mathematical formulation ora computer simulation for their solutions. The detail outlineofthe solution of theengineering problem is illustrated here.


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Author(s) : Sudipta Ghosh, Nabanita Das, Debasish Kundu and Gopal Paul View Download