
K. Venkateswara Rao,T. Uma Devi,




ITDM,BRAD Process flow,Anomaly Detection,Malicious Insider Threat Detection,


Malicious insiders are executing the severe attacks on cloud by misusing their privileges, which leads to the irreversible damages and loss of reputation. As the malicious insiders are authorized and integral part of the cloud, detecting and obstructing them to prevent the cloud from malicious attacks, became the complex and instantly focusable research aspect. An efficient “Insider Threat Detection Model” was proposed using the behavior reliance anomaly detection process. This paper elucidates Behavior Reliance Insider Threat Detection Model (BRITDM) implementation process and an empirical study was also conducted on the proposed model. Amazon AWS modeled log file input records were used as input to detect the insider activities, using the proposed Behavior Reliance Anomaly Detection (BRAD) four layer architecture. Detailed user and admin activities were collected from the cloud log files that are represented in JSON format. JSQL Parser used for the query knowledge extraction and to create XML Tree. SVM classifier is trained with Compact Prediction Tree (CPT) structures knowledge starts with the comparison of admin executed activity query knowledge against the respective CPT structures of design level activity base, to determine whether the executed admin activity is malicious or not according to the BRAD four layered architecture. Cloud BRITDM processed 30 input records and resulted 5 as unique activities, 5 as abnormal, 2 as unintended suspicious activities and one as intended insider thereat and reaming are normal activities. Experimental results shown the proposed BRITDM performed well in identifying the unique, abnormal, and suspicious and threats from insider activities.


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