
Kiranjit Kaur,Munish Saini,




Heart Disease,Heart Disease Prediction,Machine Learning,Machine Learning Classification Techniques,


The key task within the healthcare field is usually the diagnosis of the disease. In case, a disease is actually diagnosed at earlier stage, then many lives might be rescued. Machine learning classification techniques can considerably help the healthcare field just by offering a precise and easy diagnosis of various diseases. Consequently, saving time both formed ical professionals and patients. As heart disease is usually the most recognized killer in the present day, it might be one of the most challenging diseases to diagnose. In this paper, we provide a survey of the various machine learning classification techniques that have been proposed to assist the healthcare professionals in diagnosing the cardiovascular disease. We started by giving the overview of various machine learning techniques along with describing brief definitions of the most commonly used classification techniques to diagnose heart disease. Then, we review representable research works on employing machine learning classification techniques in this field. Furthermore, a detailed comparison table of the surveyed papers is actually presented.


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