
Anas Al-Haboobi,Ghassan A. Al-Guaifri,



MDM,Integro-differential Equations,Fredholm integral Equation,approximate solutions,


This paper applies Modifed Decomposition Method (MDM) as numerical analysis linear second-order FredholmIntegro-differential Equations. The calculation of the approximate solutions are computed by mathematical package. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate how effective this method minimizes the size of calculations and reaching the final solution in the shortest time and best result. When com paring the results with the (ADM) and with the exact solution, we will note how effective this method minimizes the size of calculations of the solution and reaches the exact solution. Accordingly, the (MDM) is the best method to be used to solve linear second-order FredholmIntegro-Differential equation. The convertion to the exact solution is notably fast and also a time saver, as it requires less computational work in solving equations. This is why the (MDM) is more efficient in solving this kind of equations.


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