
Sushma Wadar,D S Bormane,S C Patil,Avinash Patil,




Data reversal,Two’s complement,Shifter,Butterfly and Inverse butterfly,Shift/Rotate,Mask,


In the available microprocessors and microcontrollers, the multi-bit operations are implemented with very less efficiency. Generally, these complex bit operations are emulated using programming logic. These bit manipulation operations are frequently required in the applications that are becoming very important. In this paper, we propose two new techniques which can directly support these bit operations in the form of shifter unit that can implement standard shifter operations in microprocessors and controllers. The design of the proposed shifter unit is based on the inverse butterfly circuit.[X] In this paper, we propose two techniques that have shift/rotate and mask circuits which enable the same circuit to perform all types of the standard shift and rotate operations found in some processors. The first technique is using Data reversal method and second using Two’s complement method. The design of Shifter-Permute functional unit is the important and critical task towars optimizing parameters such as speed, area and power consumption. Here we have implemented an 8-bit Shift-rotate functional unit for bit manipulation in the form of two approaches and have analyzed the circuits in terms of speed, area, and power consumption. Here the circuits are implemented and analyzed by using the most popular semi-custom design tool Vivado ISE 2015 and is synthesized by using Artix-7 FPGA and the same is reflected  in the mathematical model purposed for each circuit.


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