Meenu D. Nair,Karthika D,Vishnu T,DOI NO:
Cloud,Hydroponics,Internet of Things,PH,Web Application ,Abstract
Nowadays water scarcity is a major threat to our society, in the name of development, depletion of water increases. The developing technologies had decreased the wealth of the soil. Advancement in agriculture brought artificial fertilizers to eradicate diseases, it turns the soil infertile. This could be overcome by an efficient method called “HYDROPONICS”. This plantation had brought smartness in agriculture. By this, we could achieve lesser space, less man power and 10% of water consumption compared to conventional method. The monitoring and control techniques could be implemented using Internet of Things (IoT) for proper and advance maintenance. The major parameters to be handled in Hydroponics are monitoring temperature, humidity, PH of water, water flow, nutrition level, pump motor speed and efficiency. The collected data are uploaded into cloud using IoT module. The data can be processed in cloud or local server. Remote user can also control the system through Android/Web Application. The present work focused on the energy meter automation using Arduino. When the load is given to the energy meter the CAL led blinks and the blinking pulse is triggered using Opto coupler (4N35). The 5v impulse is given as digital HIGH input to any one of the Arduino digital pin. The pulse is counted in the Arduino and the power calculation is processed in the program.Refference:
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