
Alexander M. Mezhuev,Ivan I. Pasechnikov,Evgeny V. Konovalchuk,Dmitry V. Rybakov,





The present research is devoted to developing a method of structural adaptation of network information systems (NIS) in conditions of high unstable input flow and the influence of destabilizing factors (interference) based on the current values ​​of the generalized parameter of evaluating the effectiveness of information exchange (information efficiency) in the basic and reserve structures. Applying the abovementioned method allows determining the boundary value of the input traffic for implementing structural adaptation, as well as forming an unambiguous condition for the transitions between the basic and reserve topologies of the system. The method can significantly increase the efficiency of information transfer and significantly expand the bandwidth of the NIS. Simulation and analytical models for evaluating the effectiveness of information exchange in NIS using the obtained method of structural adaptation were developed. During the simulation, the feasibility of the developed method and the reliability of the results obtained on its basis were confirmed, as well as recommendations were given on its practical application as algorithmic software for the monitoring controller of the system.


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