
Adeed Khan,Waqas Khalid,Mohammad Adil,Muhammad Hasnain,Zeeshan Haider,Mudasir Hussain,



Concrete,Fume silica,Compressive strength,Bagasse Ash (B-A),


The nanotechnology has added new trends in concrete. By virtue of it has enhanced the concrete properties. The study is associated with the application of nano silica (Fume silica) and Bagasse Ash. The reason for the tests conducted was to discover impacts of fumesilica (FS) & B-A on the quality features of concrete. B-A & fume-Silica were used to examine whether these nano materials are capable to enhance the concrete bonds or they are weak. The tests when conducted, the nano material B-A, replaced cement by10 percent & 20 percent & (1, 2 & 3)percent of fume-Silica was added by weight. The tests when conducted, showed impressive increase in early age compressive strength and steady increase in overall compressive strength. The increased strength was due to the percentage addition nano materials. The FESEM micrographs illustrated that the nano materials have hardened the concrete bonds up to certain addition by weight and a gradual decrease was seen when the amounts of nano materials exceeded than the required ratios.


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