Raza Hussain,Mudasir Hussain,Mushahid Hussain,Ram Chand,Sohail Asghar,DOI NO:
Bus Rapid Transit,passengers,Corridor,Stations,Planning and Management,Peshawar city,Abstract
Large cities have increasing mobility problems due to a large number of vehicles on the streets and roads, which results in traffic jams and thus a waste of time and money. An alternative to improve traffic is to prioritize the public transportation system. Many cities across the world have recently launched ambitious programs of BRT system implementation with varying success. And Peshawar is also one of them which has launched a BRT system in 2017. This paper presents the planning management and importance of Bus rapid transit (BRT) for the city like Peshawar as it is more cost-effective mode, and to examine the level of accessibility, perception/acceptability of users on the operations of BRT in Peshawar in terms of distances, safety, affordability, reliability, travel time and waiting time at the BRT bus stops. Creating a safe corridor by combining the existing physical infrastructure and the use of communications systems in all components of the BRT system is to improve passenger safety factors in urban trips. For the study, data for all the cities have been collected from different sources such as local authority websites, organizations involved in the projects, published reports and studies, and the media.Refference:
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