An Optimized Clustering Method to Create Clusters Efficiently


P. Praveen,B. Rama,



Classification,Clustering,Data mining,Divisive Methods,Mean Based Divisive Method (MB-DivClues),


The problem of mining numerical data and to propose different approaches to efficiently apply clustering to such data According to an aspect of the method the Mean Base Divisive Clustering (MB-DivClues) method is developed to categories unstructured data into various groups. The a constructive mean-based divisive clustering method is developed to reduce comparison includes several steps which includes identification of mean value from a given dataset, to find the arithmetic mean value of base cluster-infrequent attribute and storing the found mean value in a tree which is represented as root. Further the steps include comparing the objects in the dataset with the said mean value and stored in the nearest cluster. A new cluster is created to place the sorted object in new cluster. In the process of proposed method includes steps of shifting the object value to the left cluster when it is less than the mean value, shifting the object value to right cluster when it is greater than the mean value and repeating the above procedure until singleton cluster is picked from the given dataset. Wherein before applying divisive Clustering method, initially all the data objects are available in a single cluster and a mean value is calculated on the dataset.


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