
A. Hakeem Memon,Sheeraz A. Shaikh,Zubair A. Memon,Anwar A. Memon,Ali A. Memon,




Boost converter,discontinuous conduction mode (DCM),power factor correction (PFC),variable duty-cycle control (VDCC),constant duty-cycle control (CDCC),electromagnetic interference (EMI),duty-cycle,


The discontinuous conduction mode (DCM)boost converter is widely used topology because of numerous advantages like no reverse recovery loss in freewheeling diode, no loss during turning on of the switch, small size of output capacitor, high power factor (PF) for universal input voltage range, and easy design of electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter because of constant switching frequency operation. However, its efficiency is low when operated in constant duty-cycle control (CDCC) scheme. For enhancing the efficiency of the DCM boost converter, a variableduty-cycle control (VDCC) method has been introduced. Fitting duty-cycle method is also discussed to make circuit implementation easier. Comparative analysis is given in terms of loss analysis for both types of control schemes and for verifying the validity of proposed technique, the simulation results are carried out.


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