
S. Nithya Lavanya,T. Bramhananda Reddy,M. Vijay Kumar,




Induction motor,RPWM,SVPWM,Vector control,


This paper presents constant sampled random PWM techniques with low computational burden for vector controlled induction motor drives. The classical space vector PWM (SVPWM) method involved with more computational burden due to more calculations. Also, it generates high amplitude harmonics nearer to the multiples of switching frequency of the inverter. Hence, the proposed approach generated the modulating signals of SVPWM method by using a simple scalar technique. Further, to mitigate the harmonic amplitudes, three types of random PWM (RPWM) methods with fixed sampling frequency are proposed for vector controlled induction motor drive. The effectiveness of the proposed PWM methods is confirmed with simulation and experiments on induction motor drive.


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