Effectiveness of Laboratory Approach in Teaching Oblique Triangle Trigonometry


Rhodora P. Arreo,




Effectiveness,Oblique Triangle Trigonometry,Mathematics,Teacher – Centered Approach,


This study endeavored to investigate the effectiveness of laboratory approach in teaching oblique triangle trigonometry in the fourth year high school of Saint Michael College, Surigao del Sur. Specifically, it deemed to look into the average grade profiles of the students and the comparative pretest – posttest result of the experimental and control groups on basis of the two different teaching strategies, the laboratory approach and the teacher – centered approach. The subject of the study were the fourth high school students of Saint Michael College, Surigao del Sur, of the three section in the fourth year, two were subjected in the study. Section Saint Benedict was exposed to the Teacher Centered Approach while the student s in Section Saint Matthew comprised the experimental group, were exposed to the laboratory approach. This study made use of two -group design. The instrument used to evaluate student’s performance was the 30 item reach – made test which was divided into three parts, 10 – items per set. Validity of the test was through expert validation. The reliability index was determined through the use of split – half reliability design. Posttest was conducted on the same date, by the researcher following the same time allotment as in the pretest. Parallel lessons were given by the researcher to both groups. Mean, standard deviation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Analysis of Covariance (ANOVA) were used in the analysis of the data gathered. Results of the study show that the students of both groups seemed to perform poorly in the Trigonometry as revealed in their mean Grade point Average. On the other hand, students comprising the experimental group had higher mean score in the posttest than the control group. However, the posttest scores of both groups are higher than their pretest scores, and were found to the differ significantly. Consequently, the difference in the posttest mean achievement of the control and experimental groups remain constant when their average grade was controlled. Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that an average fourth year student in the respondent school seem to exhibit poor performance in the Trigonometry class. Also, the use of laboratory approach in teaching oblique triangle trigonometry is more effective over Teacher-centered Approach (TCA). Students highly prefer the use of laboratory approach because it offers a wide range of opportunities for them to think about the concept discussed, and act out the application or proof of the concept. Through the given activities, the students are able to see mathematical concepts in different perspectives. They enjoyed doing the activities, which eventually improve their performance as well as attitudes in dealing with mathematical problems.


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